Chapter 48

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"How about a vineyard? I've heard they're absolutely lovely in the spring," Liz helpfully throws out, turning her computer around to display a website of a vineyard not too far from us. The sun's setting and we've been going over wedding plans for the past two hours. Who knew that so much work goes into planning a wedding?

Celeste is scrolling on her phone for other options, her brown hair spilling over her shoulder. "What about the beach?"

My brain feels overloaded with all these different locations. The beach would be pretty, with the expanse of blue water that matches the color of Luke's eyes, but heels, dresses and sand don't exactly mix. Is an outdoor service better than an indoor one? And what about the reception?

Luke sees the overwhelmed look on my face and slides an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close to his side. "Hey, don't stress about it," he murmurs in my ear, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "I don't really care where we get married as long as I have you."

I smile up at him as I rest my head on his shoulder.

"I'm sure the art museum downtown rents out for weddings," Mali-Koa throws in helpfully as she scans all the wedding magazines we've all been collecting for the past two months. "It's absolutely gorgeous in there."

Joy is jotting down ideas on a piece of paper while my mom looks over her shoulder, gently giving her suggestions.

"Do you guys have any idea of where you want the wedding?" Joy asks, picking her head up.

I shake my head and Luke does the same.

"We can narrow it down," Mali offers, shifting forward on the couch. "Do you want the wedding indoors or outdoors? The reception can be outside or inside too. You can mix and match if you want."

I frown as I wrap my arms around Luke's waist. He rubs his hand up and down my arm as I think. "What if we had the wedding inside and the reception outside, like Celeste and Jack did? That way no one has to worry about wearing heels outside and whatnot."

Liz nods along with me. Even though it's been nearly two months, I still can't seem to wrap my head around the fact that she's the same woman who attacked Luke at Celeste and Jack's wedding not that long ago.

Joy writes something down and looks back up at us. "Ok, so now let's narrow it down to five venues for the wedding and five for the reception."

Mali-Koa finds something else in one of the magazines and they go off on another discussion, but I'm too tired to really pay much attention. I let them talk it out, resting my head against Luke's shoulder. I stayed up until three last night trying to get all my school work that's due before we go on Christmas break done and finalize the list of people invited to the wedding. I still have to pick a maid of honor and I haven't decided between Mali-Koa, Celeste, April, Cassie and Liv. I know Luke hasn't chosen a best man yet, which is going to be awkward. Between Ben, Jack, Michael, Ashton and Calum, he's going to have a hard time deciding.

"Why don't we call it quits for tonight?" Luke suggests, glancing down at me. "We could each find at least one venue to bring next time and see what fits best."

They all nod and begin to pack up whatever stuff they brought with them.

I shoot Luke a grateful look where no one else can see. He squeezes my hand in response.

It's been really chaotic recently and I'm ready to go on break for the holidays. I know I'm not the only one who feels stretched thin these days.

Luke brings his legs up onto the couch as the door closes behind my mom, who gives us a big thumbs-up as she leaves. I shake my head at her, fighting a smile. Luke just smiles as he pulls me over into his lap, staring at me with a soft expression on his face.

"What?" I ask him with a smile, nudging him in the side.

He shakes his head, still smiling. "Nothing. I just remember practicing how to ask you out in front of the mirror. I never had the guts to actually do it though."

"You're such a dork," I laugh as I lean in to kiss him.


This is a filler, just fyi. The next chapter will be more exciting I promise ;)

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