Chapter 46

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Biting my lip, I smooth down the skirt of the next dress. This is the tenth one I've tried on in the past thirty minutes and I don't like it anymore than I liked the last ones. What if I never find the perfect dress? The wedding's a little less than four months away, but there's so much that has to get done. I need to get the dress out of the way now so I can get it fitted in time.

"It's too 80s," Mali says, her eyes flickering over my body. "You need something... more modern."

"You should show off your curves a little bit more," Celeste adds, trying to stay positive, which I greatly appreciate.

Michael sighs from his spot on the couch, running a hand through his red hair. "We've been here for half an hour," he whines, sticking out his lower lip in a pout. "Kat looks pretty in every single one, I don't get what you all are complaining about."

"Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life," Mali-Koa says, rolling her eyes like he had just said something stupid. "The dress isn't just some dress. I wouldn't expect guys to understand."

"Well consider me confused," Calum mutters.

Despite the fact that I practically begged Cal, Mikey and Ash to come with me, they've been pretty helpful, throwing out comments and suggestions. My mom, Liz and Joy all have been arguing about what style dress they think would be best for the past hour or so and I'm regretting bringing them along. I sigh heavily as I meet my own eyes in the mirror. I just wish Luke was here right now.

"I found one!" Ashton announces with a big smile as he runs back over to our area of the store.

He presses a dress into my hands and I force a smile as I walk back to try it on. I'm tired of this. I just want to go home and curl up on the couch with Luke and watch stupid movies. I zip up the back of the dress, walking back out to get everyone else's opinion on it. We've been at this for so long that I'm not sure that the perfect dress even exists.

Calum's eyes widen the second I turn the corner.

"That's the one," Ashton says firmly, smiling at me.

I step up in front of the mirrors, tilting my head to the side. It's simple, but elegant, lacy straps dipping low in the front. There's practically no back, and the skirts gently fall down, brushing the floor. It's like a princess dress. I twirl in front of the mirror, smiling softly to myself.

Celeste claps her hands together excitedly, bouncing up and down in her seat. "You look absolutely amazing!" she squeals.

Mali nods in agreement, giving me a big thumbs-up and a proud smile.

I turn to the moms, who haven't said anything. Anxiously, I fiddle with the ring on my left hand, waiting for their opinions. A tentative truce has existed between Luke and Liz ever since the night at our apartment when we told his family that we were engaged. Liz calls every now and then to say hi and offer wedding plan suggestions. She's been oddly calm and... happy.

Liz smiles up at me, wiping at her eyes. The sight of her tears makes my heart melt. "You look so beautiful, Kat," she says. "Luke couldn't have made a better choice."

I smile back at her, still surprised by her sweet comments. It's been so long since I've had a normal conversation with her that didn't end in someone screaming or getting put in the hospital. It's... refreshing.

"Honey, you're positively gorgeous," my mom sobs. "You've grown into this amazing, strong young woman and I'm so proud of you."

Tears blur my vision and I smile as I wipe them away, thankful that I wore waterproof mascara today. "Aww, Mom."

Joy nods as she looks from my face to the dress, crying too much to speak.

Michael leans forward on the couch, resting his elbows on his knees. "Kat, you look like one of those badass disney princesses they keep making those live action movies about. Luke's going to lose his shit when he sees you in that."

I laugh through the tears in my eyes, locking eyes with all the people who have stood with me through some pretty tough times. These people are my family, for better or for worse. I know they have my back.

"Don't get all sappy on us now," Calum says, pointing a finger at me when he sees the look on my face. "Because if you start crying, I'm gonna start crying and I don't want to be that guy who's crying in the wedding dress store."

I walk off the little platform in front of the mirror, throwing my arms around him. "I won't. I know how you need to keep your reputation of a heartless bad boy."

"I love group hugs!" Ashton exclaims excitedly as he bounds over to wrap his arms around us.

"Oh, what the hell," Michael says, getting up and hugging us too.

We must look weird standing in the middle of the store, holding onto each other tightly, but I don't care. I smile at my best friends, my brothers. I don't think I could have picked better ones if I tried.


"You're back!" Luke says happily when I shut the front door behind me, tossing my keys down onto the counter. He reaches forward to take the bag from my hands, but I hold it away from him.

"No peeking!" I scold with a smile. "It's bad luck to see the dress before the ceremony!"

He pouts, giving me big wide puppy eyes. "Oh come on, you don't really believe all that crap."

"No, but I'm still not letting you see the dress." I stick out my tongue at him as I pass, setting the bag down on the counter.

Luke rolls his eyes, fighting off a smile. He's only wearing sweatpants with a sweatshirt thrown over top, a beanie pulled down over his blond hair. But he's beautiful without even trying and he doesn't know it.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asks gently, a smile tugging at the edges of his mouth.

I shrug as I hop up onto the kitchen counter, my heart skipping a beat when his eyes lock on mine. "I just love you so much."

The next thing I know, he smashes his lips to mine, a hand sliding up my thigh to my hip. My legs dangle on either side of his hips, caging him in. I gasp as I feel him go hard against me, pulling him closer. He moans as I slip my tongue into his mouth. Sliding a hand underneath his sweatshirt, I trail my fingers over the smooth muscles of his stomach, grinning as I dip my hand into the waistband of his sweatpants, teasing him.

"Fuck, don't do that," he groans. "You're gonna make me cum in my pants."

I leave kisses up and down his neck, enjoying the way he shivers when my teeth brush his skin. "Let's take this somewhere else then," I breathe.

He smiles as he picks me up off of the counter and I wrap my legs around his waist, desperate to feel his lips on mine. Luke tilts his head to get a better angle, stumbling down the hallway. I giggle as he bumps into a wall before making it through the doorway, sliding my fingers through his hair, throwing the beanie down onto the floor.

He lays me down on the bed, smirking at me as he pulls my shirt up over my head. I do the same to his sweatshirt.

Hovering over me, Luke runs his tongue along my stomach and I gasp, my heart beating in my throat.

"You're such a tease," I laugh shakily as he starts kissing my neck roughly. I wrap my arms around his shoulders as he leaves a mark behind on my collarbone.

Luke grins down at me as he brushes my hair out of my eyes, leaning in to kiss me again. "Oh, I know."

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