Chapter 16

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It takes three hours of mindless sitcoms and shoveling down all of the ice cream in April's fridge for my tears to finally run dry. It feels like someone punched a hole through my chest and ripped out my heart.

"Do you guys still want to go clubbing?" I ask as I get to my feet, checking the time on my phone. It's almost one in the morning but who gives a fuck.

Cassidy perks up, sitting up from her spot on the couch. "Clubbing?" she echos hopefully.

"Is that really what you should be doing... ?" Calum trails off, looking uncertain. "After... ??"

"Fuck it," I say, throwing my hands into the air. "I don't care."

"Kat..." Cal says, but he knows that nothing he says can change my mind.

"I'm down," April says, a slow grin starting to spread across her face. "Let's go get dressed, ladies!" She dashes with newfound energy down the hallway, sliding slightly on the wooden floor. Liv quietly follows her down the hallway, texting Michael like she has been for the past hour.

Cassidy grabs my hand and drags me after them, smiling widely. I get dressed in the clothes that I wore not too long ago, feeling empty. If everything were normal in my life, I'd be at home with Luke right now. We'd be curled up on the couch watching a movie, or studying for whatever test someone had the next day, or slowly making our way around the bases with the lights turned down low. But instead I'm at my friends house getting ready to go clubbing at one in the morning, single and heartbroken.

Calum looks back up when we walk back to the living room, his eyes widening slightly at our new clothes. I stumble a bit in the insanely high stilettos April shoved into my hands, balancing against a wall.

"I really wish you wouldn't do this," he whispers to me as we head out the door. His dark eyes are concerned and fearful, but this time, I won't give in.

"Too bad," I shoot back a bit too sharply.


The music is turned up so loud that I can hardly hear my own thoughts as I toss another shot back, loving the way it burns as it goes down. I've been parked at the bar for the past thirty minutes, throwing down a steady stream of drinks. It's still not enough to make me forget, but I'm getting close. I want to keep drinking until I can't remember what shade of blue Luke's eyes are, the way he likes to stick his foot out of the covers when it's hot, how his lip ring felt when I kissed him, the sensation of our hands interlaced.

I still had a long ways to go.

I set down a now empty glass, swaying slightly. It takes me a few moments to recognize the warm presence beside me, turning to face the person who's come up to watch me drink my pain away.

Blake gives me a hesitant smile, leaning against the counter. "Fancy meeting you here," he says with a slight smile.

I blink to make sure that I'm not dreaming, but he's still there. You have got to be kidding me.

"Have you come to gloat?" I say sharply, arching an eyebrow at him as I toss back another shot. "Because if you are, spare me, I've had a long night."

"I can tell," he murmurs as he eyes the line of empty glasses on the counter. Straightening up, Blake turns on the charm, flashing me a smile. "You know I just want a second chance, Kat. I want to prove you wrong about me. I love you, just like I have since we were fifteen. Why is that so hard for you to see?"

I clench my jaw tightly. "Gee, I don't know. Maybe it's because you fucking cheated on me."

He holds up a finger. "I never cheated on you, we've been over this. She forced herself onto me."

"And you expect me to believe this? After two years of practically dropping off of the face of the earth you just suddenly pop in and say that you were never unfaithful?" I jab an accusing finger into his face, enjoying watching him flinch. "If it wasn't for you, Luke and I would still be together and he wouldn't be kissing random girls."

My voice breaks at the end and I dissolve into tears, gasping for air. All of my problems started the day Blake walked back into my life like nothing ever happened.

My ex's expression changes. "Kat, I'm sorry. I never wanted to be the thing to make you upset; I just wanted you to be with me because you genuinely wanted to."

"Bullshit," I spit.

He pushes off from the counter, sliding the bartender a twenty for my shots. "Allow me to prove it to you," he mutters, leaning in close to be heard over the music. "Give me a second chance, Kat."

I eye his money. Getting to my feet, I let him lead me away from the bar...

Things are getting kinda heated between Blake and Kat again...
Luke and Kat aren't done for, are they??

P.s. If you would like your name to be used in this story, please comment and let me know!! :)) <3 ~ A

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