Chapter 39

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"We have to tell our parents!" I remembered suddenly, pushing myself into a half-sitting position.

Luke wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me back down onto the bed, snuggling up close to me. "Your parents know I was going to propose," he murmurs. "I asked for their permission."

"I can't believe they didn't tell me!"

Luke laughs, tightening his arms around me. "Babe, that defeats the whole purpose. It's not nearly as romantic if you know."

"Still..." I smile as I lean in to kiss him.

He stretches up to deepen the kiss, his lips moving seamlessly against mine. I never want to stop kissing him. His hands tangle in my hair as he brings me closer, running the tip of his tongue along my bottom lip. I shudder as I slide one hand up his bare torso.

But I can't stay here and kiss him all morning, even if I want to. I smile as I break away from him, starting to remove his arms from around my waist. He just makes a pouty face and clings to me tighter.

"Luke, c'mon, I have to go to the bathroom," I laugh, brushing away a piece of his hair that had fallen in his eyes.

"I guess I have to come with you since you can't walk," he says with a wink.

I roll my eyes, fighting back a smile.

He rolls off of the bed, opening his arms for me. I grin as I throw myself at him, wrapping my legs around his waist. Luke sets me down gently on my good leg. "Are you going to take a shower?" he asks with a slight smirk as I gesture for him to leave the bathroom.

"I guess. I haven't showered in like four days." I laugh at his hopeful expression. He's the sweetest person I've ever met. How can he be all mine? "Yes, you can shower with me, just get out of the bathroom so I can take a piss in peace."

Luke starts toward the door, winking at me as he closes it. "As you wish, Future Mrs. Hemmings."


The shower was a little less romantic because Luke had to support me while I balanced on one leg, trying to keep my healing ankle in the air and wash my hair at the same time. It was difficult, but we managed.

We had planned weeks ago to hang out with us and the rest of the boys and the girls from The Scoop at the beach to have a little fire going like we did at the end of the summer. But I can't walk on sand with the boot on my foot, so we moved it to Calum's house. Mali-Koa just got back from hanging out with her friends and Cal tells me that she's been dying to see me.

Tonight is also the night we plan on telling them about the engagement. I know that tomorrow I'm going to have to go see my parents, and eventually figure out how and if we're going to tell Liz and Andy. But tonight, I just want to be with my closest friends that are practically family.

I slide on the boot on my ankle over my nicest pair of skinny jeans, wincing. I can't really put any weight on my foot, but it's been enough days for me to be able to pathetically limp around. I put a little makeup on as I run a brush through my hair.

Using the wall to balance, I hobble into the hallway. Luke's in the kitchen, dividing a pan of scrambled eggs onto two plates. He glances up with a smile when he sees me, pushing a plate across the island toward me. I ignore it, wrapping my arms around his waist tightly as I rest my head against his chest.

"Are you going to tell your parents?" I whisper.

It's been awhile since we've seen Liz or Andy, but we left off on not the best of terms. Better than the night that Luke was in the hospital for alcohol poisoning and his mom yelled at me, but not great.

"I guess I have to," Luke murmurs. "They don't like me very much. I don't think they'll care."

"Luke, they're your parents," I say, looking up at him. "Of course they care about you."

He tries to cover up his pain with a smile, switching subjects as he pulls away from me. "Eat your breakfast and then we'll head over to Calum's place."

"I don't think it counts as breakfast when it's nearly four in the afternoon," I mutter, earning a smile from Luke as I take a seat at the island. I can stand on my ankle, but only for a little bit before it becomes unbearable. But it's a good start.

I glance over at Luke with a smile.

Everything's a good start. 


Aww, Kat and Luke are so cute together!!

Thanks so much to everyone who's reading this!! You all mean the world to me. I hope you'll stick around to read the rest of the story, because I'm not done yet!

Vote and comment for me please!!! <33

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