Chapter 41

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"Have you figured out what you're going to tell your parents yet?" I ask as Luke pulls the car to a stop. He borrowed Ashton's Jeep to get to my parent's house, all the way across town. I'm clear to walk, but not long distances like that.

Luke sighs as he unbuckles his seatbelt. "No. I'm debating not telling them at all. I don't want to have to, you know, contact them. We haven't spoken since I got out of the hospital. What are you even supposed to say to the parents that basically disowned you? 'Hey, I know you don't give a fuck about me since you don't want me to be your son anymore, but I'm getting married'?"

"That's a start," I joke. I know he's only getting sarcastic because he's nervous. I reach across the car to squeeze his hand. "Look, we don't have to figure this out just yet. We still have to officially tell my parents."

He nods, relaxing slightly as he squeezes my hand back.

I barely have time to knock before my mom throws the door open, hugging me tightly. "Aww, I've been waiting to see when he was finally going to propose!!" she squeals as she pulls back from me and moves to hug Luke.

He looks a little surprised by the gesture, but embraces her back.

My mom is over the moon. She shows us inside, practically jumping up and down. "I'm so happy, I knew you'd say yes! Can I see the ring?"

I smile sheepishly as I hold out my left hand to her. Luke slips his hand into my right, smiling softly down at me while my mom inspects the ring.

"This is beautiful!" she exclaims. Dropping my hand, she looks over at Luke. "I couldn't have asked for a better son-in-law. I know things with your mother haven't been all that great recently, but if you need anything at all, feel free to call me."

Luke's mom is a sore spot for him, and we've been talking about her so much these days. I see how much any mention of her hurts him. It's like all of the pent-up emotions he's been holding back for these past few days spill over. Tears gather in his eyes and he ducks his head in embarrassment.

"Aww, honey!" my mom says as she hugs him again.

I hadn't realized how much I wanted my mom and Luke to get along until now. I was fine with her tolerating him, but this is different. I try to discreetly wipe away the few tears that had fallen as my mom leads us into the house, but Luke notices.

"I love you," he murmurs as he kisses the top of my head.

I slide my arms around his waist. "I love you too."

My mom looks over her shoulder at us and smiles, trying to give us a moment before clearing her throat. "I made pasta for dinner, I hope that's ok?"

"That's perfect," Luke says with a smile as we take a seat at the table.

I frown when I see that they are only three places set up. "Hey, where's Dad? I thought he was supposed to be back from his business trip by now."

My mom's smile dies. Taking a deep breath, she says in a gentle voice, "Sweetie, I tried to keep this from you as long as I could. I knew you were happy off with Luke and I didn't want to ruin that. But there's something you should know... Your father and I are no longer together."


I feel like someone just punched me in the stomach.

"The business trips were just cover ups. We decided we didn't want to be together anymore and finalized the divorce. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner, Kat," she says, a tear sliding down her face.

"I-I need a minute," I mumble, pushing back from the table.

I run up the stairs to my room and lock the door behind me. My parents were in love, I just know it. How can it all be over? How can they just... stop loving each other? What if, not now but in the future, Luke stops loving me? What if he leaves me?

There's a soft knock at the door. "Kat, open the door," Luke says gently. "I just want to help."

I can't imagine a life without Luke. What if he walks out on me? What if he just decides one day that I'm not good enough for him?

"Baby, please," he says, his voice turning pleading.

I want to tell him to go away, but I can't bring myself to say the words.

I open the door and throw myself into his arms, sobbing like a little baby. "How could they not tell me?" I cry into his chest, my shoulders shaking as he slowly rocks me back and forth. "If only I hadn't moved out, maybe they'd still be together. If only I-"

"Hey, don't blame this on yourself," he says forcefully, tilting my chin up so I have to look into his eyes. "This isn't your fault."

"How can they just stop loving each other?" I whisper, looking up at him with pleading eyes. "What if..." I choke on a sob, biting down on my lip to keep it from trembling. "What if we stop loving each other?"

Luke's expression changes completely and he hugs me tighter to him, burying his face in my hair. I let the tears flow down my face. "Kat, I don't think it's possible for me to ever stop loving you."

I squeeze my eyes shut, tightening my grip on him. "Promise me you won't leave me. I don't think I can take it if you leave."

"I promise," he murmurs in my ear, still holding on tight to me. "I promise."

I'm content to just let him hold me until my tears run dry. I don't know how long we've been in the hallway, just standing there with our arms around each other, when I hear a low cough behind us. I timidly look up to see my mom awkwardly standing there.

"Kat, I meant to tell you sooner, but I didn't want to ruin your good mood," she rushes to get out, her face twisted. "It's just... You haven't been genuinely happy in so long. I couldn't take that happiness away from you."

I give her a sad smile. "It's ok, Mom, I forgive you."

Another tear runs down my cheek and Luke reaches out to brush it away. My mom smiles at him. I think she would gladly move the wedding to tomorrow if only that means having Luke be her son-in-law sooner.

"Now, why don't we finish dinner and talk about your wedding? I'd love to help you plan it," my mom says, brightening significantly.

"That sounds great," I say, snaking an arm around Luke's waist. 

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