Chapter 2

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"Babe, quit hogging all the blankets." I laugh quietly as I gently tug at the covers. Luke pouts as he pulls the blankets closer to him. I smile as I roll all the way over to his side so my head rests on his chest. "Now I have to be all the way over here because I don't have any blankets."

He grins down at me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "All part of my plan," he murmurs, kissing a line across my jaw to my lips. His mouth tickles my skin and I giggle softly.

"Don't you have to be in class in forty minutes?" I mutter as his mouth covers mine.

I can feel his smile when he replies. "Yes, but I know the unit we're studying thanks to my mom. Gotta love math teachers."

I smile, tilting my head up so he can kiss the skin just underneath my chin, shuddering as I cling to him. There's been nothing about living with Luke that I haven't loved. Getting to fall asleep beside him, waking up in his arms. All the late nights spent together, whether it's cuddling while watching movies or wrapped around each other under the covers, I've loved every second of it. There's never a dull moment and that's what being with Luke feels like; vibrant, exciting.

I twist around in his arms, sliding my leg across his hips. His blue eyes are soft as they watch me, his hands pressing into my back to bring me closer. "I love you," I say with a smile as I stretching up to kiss him.

His fingers tangle in my hair as he deepens the kiss, sliding his tongue across my lower lip. "I love you too," he whispers against my mouth.

Luke gently nips at my lip with his teeth and I moan against him, wrapping my arms behind his neck and pulling him down to me. I open my mouth, slipping my tongue into his mouth. His hands slip down from my waist, drawing me up to him. He makes a little noise at the back of his throat when I tug at his lip ring, kissing me hard in a way that I know will leave my lips swollen. But I really don't care. My legs tangle with his as I push myself up to get a better angle, enjoying the way he shivers as I play with the black metal ring pierced through his lip.

The doorbell rings and we both groan aloud.

"If that's Michael again, I'm going to kick his ass into next week," Luke growls as I slide off the bed.

When he starts to get up too, I hold up a hand to gently push him back down. "I got it this time."

He lays back, watching me as I throw on my favorite fuzzy pair of pajama pants and one of his oversized T-shirts. "Nice ass, Fuller."

"Dork," I tease with a laugh as I smack him playfully upside the head. I pad down the hallway to the door, opening it up. I freeze when I see that the person on the other side of the doorway isn't Michael.

"Hello, Kat," Blake says, giving me a sheepish smile.

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