Chapter 25

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"Ok, Mr. Hemmings," I say as I walk out of the bathroom, just having finished my makeup. "Where are you taking me on this grand date of yours you have planned?"

Luke looks away from the book he was reading was his english class, his eyes widening when they land on me. "You look amazing," he murmurs as he leans in for a quick kiss. I blush as he pulls away, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear shyly. "And where we're going is a secret I'll never tell," he adds with a wink.

I roll my eyes with a smile as I slide my hand into his. Luke opens the door, swinging our hands in between us as we walk down the hallway.

Parked in front of our apartment complex is a beat up red truck, all the windows rolled down. Michael pokes his head out one of them, shouting with a grin, "Your romantic chariot awaits."

I laugh as Luke helps me up into the bed. "Michael, where'd you get this?"

"My dad let me borrow it," he replies as he climbs back inside, starting the engine. "Your destination is too far to walk and I insisted that you two ride in style."

Luke takes a seat down on the bed of the truck and I sit on his lap. He leans forward and rests his head on my shoulder, wrapping his arms around me. Streets fade away behind us as Michael zooms through lights he probably should have stopped for, his joyful laughter carrying. When he pulls up to a random curb, Luke gets to his feet and reaches up to help me down.

"Thanks, Mike," he says as he pats the side of the truck.

Michael honks in response as he takes off speeding down the road. I smile as I shake my head back and forth. I just hope there aren't any police officers waiting around the corner to give him a ticket.

Luke pulls his jacket tighter around himself as he slides an arm around my waist, leading the way down the street. I slip my hand into one of the pockets of his jacket, realizing that I don't care if he didn't plan anything for tonight. We could walk around all night and do nothing and I'd still have a great time. Just as long as I have him by my side.

He leads me down a side street near the back of the university, where the stadium is. I look around in surprise. There must be a concert tonight because everyone is rushing in the direction of the long line standing in front of the stadium doors. When we get closer, I see a bright flashing sign advertising the band playing. It's not one I'm all that familiar with, but I know I've heard them around before.

I frown when Luke heads in that direction, turning at the last second so we go past the line of people, steering me towards a side door. "What are you doing?"

He just grins crookedly as he ducks behind a row of bushes, jiggling the handle until it pops open. "We're going to go see a concert," he says slyly as he pulls me after him into the back hallways of the stadium.

I laugh, tightening my grip on his hand as I shut the door behind us. "What if we get caught?" I murmur as he takes a right at the corner.

Luke smiles as he weaves his way between the stacks of equipment and managers walking through the hallways. His blue eyes look gray in the darkness. "I guess we can't get caught then," he says as he leads the way to a different door. This one opens up into a larger room, where a stage has been set up. People are steadily trickling in, taking seats and talking excitedly.

I smile as Luke pulls me toward the barrier set up in between the stage and the crowds. The best spots in the house, just mere feet from the performers.

"Have you ever been to a concert?" he mumbles in my ear, drawing me closer to him.

I wrap my arms around him, hooking my thumbs in the belt loops of his jeans. He inhales sharply when my finger brushes a strip of bare skin in between the hem of his shirt and the waistband of his pants. "Not really," I say with a smile. "It's kinda funny how my first concert is one I snuck into with my boyfriend."

Luke smile could light up the room at my casual use of the title "boyfriend." He pulls me closer, his breath warm on my neck as his lips trace a line down my cheek, my jaw, behind my ear. I shudder and step forward in the circle of his arms.

We stand there, holding each other tightly, as other people slowly filter in and take their places. I blink when the lights turn off, pulling back slightly. Luke looks sad when he takes a step back to face the stage, still keeping an arm slung around my waist.

Music pours out of the speakers as the opening act takes the stage, but I hardly notice. I'm focused on Luke's arm around me, his gentle hand resting on my hip. He seems to feel similarly because he keeps sneaking glances at me out of the corner of his eye. With all the lights turned off, it's nearly impossible not to push him up against the nearest wall and kiss him like the world's ending.

"Can you see?" he asks, leaning down to murmur the words in my ear.

There are a lot of tall people and, since I'm on the shorter side, it's difficult to see over them. "Not really, but it's fine," I yell back over the music.

He shakes his head and takes his arm from around me, gesturing for me to get on his shoulders. I laugh and concede. Luke's a good few inches taller than most of the people on the floor and I have a completely unobstructed view of the stage. The guy singing on the stage smiles when he sees us and reaches a hand down to us. But, you know, the people behind us started complaining about not being able to see so I quickly scrambled down.

"This is great, but I really just want to kiss you," Luke says in a low voice, his lips brushing my ear.

I shiver, turning to face him. "So kiss me," I whisper as I stretch up onto my tiptoes, pulling him down to me. His hand rests on the small of my back as he draws me closer to him, tipping my head back as he brings his lips to mine. It's a slow, sweet kiss, like he wants to savor every taste, make it last as long as possible. Luke runs his tongue along the seam of my lips and I grant him access, smiling against him.

We slowly stumble through the crowd until we're at the edge of the pit, leaning up against the wall. Luke's hand runs down my back, the tips of his fingers slipping into the waistband of my jeans. I inhale sharply and step closer to him, pushing up onto my toes.

"You know, this concert kinda blows anyways," he murmurs against my lips as his other hand twines in the strands of my hair. "What do you say we get out of here?"

I grin as I lace my fingers through his and pull him towards the exit. 


Sorry this is so bad, I have a lot of school work. I promise the next few will be more interesting!! <33 - A

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