Chapter 34

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I can't believe how stupid I am. I let myself believe that he loved me because I couldn't handle any other answer. I couldn't take the truth. I needed him too much. But what hurts more? Knowing that everything was probably a lie, or choosing to believe in that lie? I don't know. A life without Luke hurts so much that sometimes it's hard to breathe.

My phone rings in my pocket nonstop for two blocks. Eventually, I sigh and take it out, my breath a white cloud in the cold. I don't care. I'd rather walk the long way home than have to face Luke anytime soon.

23 missed calls and 17 voice mails from Luke.

5 missed calls and 1 voicemail from Calum.

I click to listen to Calum's voicemail, hugging myself tightly, thankful I brought a coat.

"Kat," Cal's voice says. "Look, I don't know what you and Luke fought about. He refuses to speak to anyone. All I know is that you love each other. Don't throw that away. He makes you really happy and you make him equally as happy. Kat, you make him a better person. Without you, he probably would have thrown his life away when his mom kicked him out. But you set him straight. You two can get through this, but please, talk to him. He's an absolute wreck. Call me back, ok? I want to make sure you're ok."

I take a seat on the nearest bench, burying my face in my hands as I break down. I can't do this. I can't keep being with Luke if every other week something like this tests us and we fail. I thought the one person we never lied to was the other. But I guess I was wrong. There's apparently this whole other side to his life that I knew nothing about. And I don't know how to deal with that.

Maybe just to torture myself, I play Luke's voicemails.

"Kat, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about what really happened that summer," he says, sounding in tears. "I'm sorry I kept something like that from you. But that doesn't mean that I was lying about everything else. I love you, Kat. Please call me back."

There's a beep and it goes to the next one.

"Please, please, please call me back."


"Please, don't leave," he says in a small voice that makes my chest feel tight. "I can't take another person I love walking out of my life and know that it's my fault."

I hit the stop button and wrap my arms around my waist as I sob. What's wrong with me?

Michael's name lights up my screen and I tilt it to read his text.

I'm not going to make you tell me anything. But if you need someone to talk to, someone to hold you while you cry like a little baby, I'm here for you. No judgement. We don't have to talk about anything if you don't want to.

I bite back my tears as I type something out on my phone.

To Michael: Meet me @ your place 


Kat and Luke broke up (again)!! What do you think about his mysterious past? Is the break up final this time? Are they done for??

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