Chapter 31

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When the opening credits flash onto the screen, I gently shake Luke awake to take his temperature. He blinks up at me tiredly as I read the number that appears.


Releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding, I slump in relief. It's still a fever, but it's a manageable fever. Nothing dangerous. He's going to be ok.

"Go back to sleep," I murmur, kissing Luke's forehead. His eyes drift closed again as he snuggles closer to me, warming up my entire right side. I smile as I set the thermometer back down on the coffee table, glancing over at Celeste. "Thank you," I say sincerely. "For coming and for helping him. We owe you one."

She offers me a small smile, getting to her feet. "You don't owe me anything, Kat. That's what family's for." Celeste wraps her scarf around her neck, dropping one of her eyes into a sly wink. "And I imagine we're going to be family very soon."

I blush furiously, dropping my gaze to my lap.

"Goodbye, Luke," Celeste says gently, patting the top of his head as she walks by. "I hope you feel better."

"Thanks, Celeste," he says weakly, exhausted. When the door closes behind her, he opens his eyes sleepily. "Can we watch another movie?"

Michael looks at his friend for a second before getting up and putting in the DVD of Mean Girls that one of the boys gave him for his birthday. I smile at Mike as he takes a seat back down on the couch and he scowls at me, a slight blush coloring his cheeks. As the opening ads play, I shift to lie down on the couch and Luke does the same. He wraps an arm around my waist to hold into him, his chin resting on my head. I snuggle closer to him, our feet tangling.

"No one told me we were spooning!" Michael jokes. "Calum, come here, you little rascal."

I laugh as Calum jumps over to the other side of the couch and curls up with Michael. "Why are you the big spoon?" he whines. "I wanna be the big spoon."

"Shut up, I'm the big spoon," Mikey says, wrapping his arms around Calum's waist.

I laugh softly. Ashton jumps on both of them and they cry out, cursing and laughing as they settle into a weird, three-way spoon. I cuddle up closer to Luke, resting my head just underneath his neck.


After the movie ends, I throw a few blankets at Calum, Michael and Ashton and tell them they can sleep on the couch or in the guest bedroom. All three of them rush to the bedroom, curling up in a way that can't be comfortable on the bed. They're such five year olds, but I love them anyways.

Gently, I wake Luke up. He smiles as he blinks up at me. "Come, sleepyhead, time for bed." I help him up off the couch, leading him down the hallway to our room, my arm wrapped tightly around his waist to prop him up.

"Sorry that me getting sick ruined your plans to hang out," Luke says as he pulls the blankets up around him.

I frown, adjusting the side he didn't bring up far enough. "Luke, you didn't ruin anything. And you have nothing to apologize for. I'd leave Beyonce's birthday party to help you if you were sick." I crawl up onto the bed, flopping down beside him.

He turns onto his side to face me, a soft smile curving his lips. I want to lean forward and kiss them, but I don't think getting sick would help anything. "You'd really do that?" he asks.

I nod, reaching out and brushing away a strand of his hair that had fallen in his eyes. His smile grows. It's amazing the sweet little things that make him smile because he's not expecting them. It's been so long since anyone ever chose him for anything, since anyone made him feel as happy as he deserves to feel. I'm honored to be that person. What I had with Blake was just a shadow of what I have with Luke and I don't think I could ever bear to lose this. To lose him.

He's smiling back at me like he doesn't want to lose me too.


Hey guys! I don't know if anyone's really reading this, but thanks so much!! Please vote and comment for me - it doesn't take much time and I don't know if anyone's enjoying it if you don't!! <33 - A

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