Chapter 9

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"Kat, do I have permission to beat this little motherfucker into a pulp?" Calum asks in low, dangerous voice, stepping closer to the counter with a fierce scowl on his face. Blake takes a reflexive step backward, looking alarmed.

Luke's tense beside me, stepping out in front of me so he half shields me with his body. Between clenched teeth he grits out, "Believe me, I've already tried." But beneath the fury and protective instincts, I can see the uncertainty shining in Luke's ocean blue eyes. He's always doubted himself; he doesn't think that I'd ever choose to be with him over Blake.
I squeeze his hand reassuringly and he tries to smile down at me, but it's too forced. I could spend years telling him how amazing he is, but deep down, he'd never believe me.

Focusing on the increasing threat of a knock-down fistfight in the middle of Chick-Fil-A, I step forward. "No one is beating anyone up. We're just here to get food, not to start World War 3, okay? Calm down, Hilters."

Calum scowls at me, but takes a step backward. He glares forcefully at Blake and the other boy winces as if bracing himself for an attack. "Just know that I would love to kick your ass. My heart has no room for you, but the trunk of my car definitely does."

Blake's eyes are wide and terrified as he looks back and forth between all of us.

"Um," Ashton says awkwardly. Smiling to diffuse the tension, he steps forward. "I'd like a twelve count of chicken nuggets and a frosted lemonade. Oh, and a cookie!"

Michael slaps his forehead with the palm of his hand.

Luke's still frozen on the spot, glowering with so much hatred at Blake that someone may wonder if it was his heart the little liar broke. I give his hand another squeeze, plastering a smile on my face as I order for the both of us. Blake punches it in silently, a heartbroken look on his face as his eyes linger on our joined hands.

Calum plants both of his hands threateningly on the counter, leaning forward with a dark smile. He's taller than Blake and his height makes him that much more intimidating. "I'd like a chicken sandwich with a side of fuck you and a tall drink of kiss my ass."

"Hey!" Ashton complains loudly, frowning. "No swearing!"

Blake looks a little pale as he types in an order of a chicken sandwich and a tall fountain drink. I can feel his gaze slide to me when he thinks no one's paying attention. But Luke, who has been tracking his every movement with lethal precision, notices. I can feel him tense up even more, his free hand clenching into a tight fist. The hand that's in mine he takes care to leave gentle.

Barely contained rage in Michael's green eyes, he steps forward. I watch as my ex winces in anticipation. "Spicy chicken sandwich and a fountain drink," he says sweetly, but his expression is far from polite. He's looking at Blake like he's thinking through five thousand ways to end his life.

Ashton grabs the receipt as Cal hands Blake his card, cracking each of his knuckles threateningly. We step to the side to wait for our food and I have to pull Luke away from the cash register. His eyes are fixed on Blake with ice cold fury and even while I drag him away, they don't move.

When we reach our friends, Ashton is yelling at Calum and Michael about starting fights in the middle of public places - an argument they've had before.

I place my hand on Luke's shoulder and turn him around so he's not facing Blake's general direction. He relaxes slightly, but the dangerous look in his eyes doesn't fade.

"Hey, don't worry about him," I say, placing a hand on his cheek to force him to look at me. Still, he doesn't quite meet my eyes. "He's not worth it."

Luke doesn't respond for a long time, an unreadable look in his eyes that kind of scares me. I can't tell what he's going to do next. Scream, break down, punch Blake despite all the people around us, walk away, I don't know. And I wish that I knew what to do to help him.

Slowly, he nods. An employee calls out Calum's name, holding up our food. Michael takes the bags from his hands and Ashton suggests that we eat in the car. Luke lets his hand fall away from mine as he walks silently back to the Jeep. He uses his long legs to walk ahead of all of us and I bite my lip anxiously.

Calum comes up beside me and rests a hand on my shoulder. "Give him a minute, he just needs some time alone. He's not trying to be rude or push you away. Luke just has a hard time controlling his temper."

I nod, swallowing hard. I'm grateful for Calum's gentle reminders. They keep me grounded, just like they always have.

But they don't stop me from worrying.

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