Chapter 47

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"What if they don't like me?" I whisper as I cling to Luke's arm as we walk up the steps to his parents' house. It's been six months since he's been here, when his mom kicked him out. But now it's nearly Christmas and Liz has decided to welcome him back into the family. Dozens of Luke's relatives are coming to the huge family party they have every Christmas. I've never been invited before since I'm not actually in the Hemmings family, but now here we are.

"Of course they'll like you," Luke assures me as we step up to the front door. "How can someone not like you?"

Liz throws open the door before he can even turn to knock, hugging each of us tightly. "Glad you two could make it!" she exclaims happily, ushering us inside. "Come inside! Everyone's already here and excited to meet you!"

My eyes widen and I press closer to Luke's side. I don't do well with big crowds and strangers. Certainly not a big crowd of strangers.

He chuckles under his breath, sliding an arm around my waist. He looks good in a long sleeve black shirt thrown over black skinny jeans, a snapback over his hair. But then again, he always looks good. Nervously, I tug down the black skirt I wore over black tights, suddenly self conscious. I want to make a good impression on Luke's family.

"Don't worry, you look beautiful," Luke promises as Liz leads us down the hallway.

I try to smile, but I'm too nervous.

"Luke!" a man exclaims we round the corner, getting up off the couch to come over to us. I step back as he and Luke embrace. "It's good to see you, man, how have you been?"

Luke looks genuinely happy as he replies, "Really good. How about you?"

"Good, good," the man replies, curiously looking over at me. "Who's your gorgeous little friend there, L?"

Luke puts an arm around my shoulders, pulling me forward, tucking me into his side. I nervously hook one of my fingers through one of belt loops on his jeans. "This is Katherine Fuller, my fiancee. Kat, this is my Uncle Charlie."

Charlie smiled down at me and shook my hand gently. "Nice to meet you, Katherine," he says. "I trust you to keep him in check?"

I smile back as I nod.

Luke rolls his eyes at his uncle, but he's smiling. Poking me gently in the side, he says, "C'mon, let's go to the kitchen."

I wave bye to Charlie as Luke pulls me after him into the kitchen, his arm wrapped protectively around me. Two women are standing in the kitchen, arranging food on the counter while they chat. They stop talking when we enter and turn to address us.

"Luke!" the younger of the two says, stepping forward to hug him. She looks to be in her early forties has obviously dyed the gray strands out of her hair. "Honey, it's been so long since I've seen you! How's college been treating you?"

Luke smiles as she steps back, slipping his arm back around me like he has to keep a hand on me at all times. I smile, leaning into his side to rest my head on his shoulder. "Good, good," he replies casually. "It's hard to get back into the workload after summer, but it's ok when my classes are spaced far apart." Turning to me, he says, "Aunt Marjorie, I'd like you to meet Kat, my fiancee. Kat, this is my aunt."

I shyly wave at her.

Marjorie's eyes widen and she sets the drink she was holding down on the counter. "I didn't even know you had someone you were seeing, Luke! How long have you two been together?"

"About six months, but we've been best friends for forever," Luke says, giving me a small secret smile where his aunt can't see. I blush and duck my head. "There isn't a doubt in my mind that Kat's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with."

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