Chapter 44

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I have one class in the morning and it takes me three cups of coffee to drag myself out of bed. I only half pay attention to what the teacher is saying, too focused on the vague wedding plans I've been trying to piece together. I have so much to do if it's going to take place in almost four months, no matter how many people want to help me plan it. Liz, my mom, Joy, Mali-Koa, Celeste... They all keep adding up and while I'm happy to have the help, they all have very different opinions of how they think the wedding should be and I'm not sure I'm following any of their ideas.

The only person I seem to be on the same page with is Luke.

I run a hand through my hair as I turn the corner to the lot where I parked my car, wondering how I'm ever going to get all the work I have done on top of wedding preparations and Christmas shopping and work. There was so much to do and so little time to do it.

I glance up to unlock my car, blinking in surprise as I stop in my tracks.

Luke grins from where he's leaning against my car. "Hey, babe, how was class?"

"Shouldn't you be at work?" I say, confused and still shocked.

He pushes off from the car, walking over to me. His blue eyes flicker all over my face as he slides his thumbs through the belt loops of my jeans, pulling me close to him. "I thought I'd surprise you. You've been doing too much and you've been so stressed. I figured you needed a break. And I know how much you love spontaneous romance," he adds with a playful lilt.

I stretch up onto my toes to kiss him, taken off guard. "I love you," I murmur against his lips.

He smiles as he draws me in for another kiss. "I know. I'm the best fiance ever."

I grin as I slide a hand behind his head, taking another step closer. I don't care if people are staring at the couple making out against a car in the parking lot. When I'm with Luke, I could care less about what other people think. There's only him.

I shiver as his hand squeezes my hip, his thumb slipping under the waistband of my jeans. I gasp as I pull him down for another kiss, tugging on his lip ring with my teeth. Luke moans as he slips his tongue into my mouth, spinning us around so my back is pressed into the passenger side of the car. I slide a hand up his chest, straining to get closer to him.

He breaks away with difficulty, breathing hard. "If we keep going, we won't be able to stop. And I actually had some plans for the night that don't involve sex."

I pout up at him. "No sex?"

"Well, maybe just a little," he admends, leaning closer to me. His lips find my neck, roughly kissing me there. I shudder when I feel Luke's teeth against my skin. "But let's save that for the end," he mutters. "The grand finale of the night."

"Mmm," I reply as I tilt my head to give him a better angle.

"Fuck," he mutters, pulling away from me. "Let's go before I change my mind and take you back to the apartment right now."

I grin as I toss him my keys, sliding into the passenger seat. "You better have something pretty amazing planned if it doesn't involve kissing until four am," I say with a smile as I cross my arms over my chest.

He chuckles as he hops into the driver's side. "It's ok, I guess."

I roll my eyes, fighting off a smile as he pulls out of the parking lot.


Side note: I would just like to thank those of you (if you even exist lol) who have been keeping up with this story, from the beginning of Imagination to over halfway into Reality. I love each and every one of you so much. 

Sorry this is a short chapter, I promise things will speed up/ get better :))

- A

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