Chapter 52

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"How you feeling?" Calum asks me gently, nudging my shoulder with his. "Tomorrow's the big day."

We're on the couch in his living room, watching some stupid movie that neither of us are really paying attention to. I'm too nervous to focus on anything other than tomorrow. Luke's at his parents house to hang out with his family on his own, and my mom's working an extra shift tonight so I decided to spend the night with my second family, the Hoods.

Calum reads my expression without me having to say anything. "Ah, c'mon, Kat," he says, throwing an arm around my shoulder. "Everything's going to be perfect. By this time tomorrow, you'll be Mrs. Luke Hemmings. Isn't that what you want?"

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean that I'm not freaking out a little," I murmur, shrinking down further on the couch. "I'm going to trip over something or forget my vows or.... I don't know, but something bad's gonna happen, I know it."

"You sound ridiculous," Calum laughs, shaking his head. "Calm down."

Mali walks in and sits down on the other couch, flipping her wet hair over her shoulder.

"Mal, will you tell Kat that she's being ridiculous?" Calum says. "She's stressing about tomorrow."

Mali-Koa leans forward, smiling softly at me. "Kat, everything's going to be perfect tomorrow. You know how I know? I'm going to bully every little motherfucker I find to make damn sure everything is perfect for your big day. I don't care who I have to beat up and when and where. I'll do it."

"Thanks, Mali," I say with a little laugh, leaning my head against Calum. "Thank you both. I wish I had your confidence."

"Tell you what, I'll let you borrow mine tomorrow," Mali says with a smile, bumping my arm with her fist as she moves to sit on my other side. "You need it more than I do."

I smile at both of the Hood siblings as we sit there in comfortable silence, the brother and sister I never had but had always wanted. I know that for better or worse, they'll always be there for me.


Sorry this is so short, but it's just a filler.

Tomorrow's the big day!! How excited are you guys for the wedding??! Comment and let me know whether you're as excited as I am or if you think that the wedding shouldn't even be happening and I'm crazy for putting it on, which could be completely true. I always love hearing from you guys!! <33

Adios, bitchachos

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