Chapter 21

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Covered in sand and sniveling pathetically, I make my way back to The Scoop for the end of my lunch break. Lynn takes one look at me and sends me home, claiming that I should get some rest. I thank her and start the long walk home, putting my earbuds in and scrolling through my music for something to listen to. I almost break down when I see the song Luke recorded for me, replaying it over and over again.

My mom looks up from where she is cleaning the kitchen, taking in the sand in my uniform and the tears running down my cheeks. She crosses the room and hugs me tightly. "Aww, sweetie, tell me what happened," she murmurs as she strokes my hair gently.

I sob into her shoulder as she holds me. In a span of a few weeks, I lost everything I'd ever wanted. An apartment of my own, a boyfriend I loved with all of my heart. The life that I had always dreamed of was gone all in one day.

I wish that I could wake up with amnesia and forget about all the stupid things, like the way it felt to fall asleep next to him, the secret smile he reserved just for me, the way his fingers latched onto mine when he was nervous. Living without him is like living without a piece of myself.

"I miss him," I cry into my mom's shoulder, clinging tightly to her as if she can make all of my problems disappear. "I miss him so much."

She rubs my back soothingly. "I know, honey, I know. But it'll be ok. You got over Blake, right? You can make it this time. There will be someone else."

"There is no one else!" I sob. "There will never be someone else."

My mom says nothing else as she holds me until my tears run dry and she sets me down gently on the couch, turning on a mindless movie that I used to love. She bakes me chocolate chip cookies, which always make me feel better, but this time... I still feel empty. There's a place where Luke should be and it's empty, leaving me missing a piece of myself.

Did losing Blake ever hurt like this?


Sorry this is so short, I'm working on something new for you guys!! 

As always, vote and leave comments for me please! :)) <33 - A

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