Chapter 22

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"This isn't a date, just so you know," I say as I pick up my latte, moving toward the row of booths along one wall of the cafe.

Blake shrugs as he takes a sip of his americano, sliding into one side of the booth. "I'll take what I can get," he says with a slight smile.

The whipped cream forms a foam mustache on his upper lip. Not that long ago, I would have reached over and kissed him, licking it off of his face while he shivered. Now, I just motion towards my own lip and he wipes it away with the back of his hand.

"Why did you call me here, anyways?" I ask casually as I rip up the paper straw wrapper into little pieces anxiously. "It better be important because I didn't drag myself all the way across town for nothing."

Blake's brow furrows as he looks down at his hands clasped on top of the table. "I just... Kat, I'm so confused. I know you aren't ready for any kind of advancement on my part and I will do my best to up hold that, but I just have to know." My ex glances up at me, his dark eyes tortured and vulnerable. "Will there ever be an us again? Did I mess everything up for good?"

My heart breaks for him, no matter how many months I spent cursing his name. He's still human, despite how many times he's made mistakes. "Blake..." I trail off, not sure of what to tell him. That I don't think that I will ever be able to get over Luke? That I doubt I will ever feel what I did for him again? How do you tell someone that you can't fall in love with them?

I freeze as I look past Blake's shoulder and spot a familiar figure standing outside the shop, eyes trained on us.

Luke looks absolutely terrible. He's dressed in all black, which isn't that unusual, but I can tell that he's not ok. Dark bags hang under his bright blue eyes and a black hat is fixed backwards on his head like he didn't have the energy to style his hair this morning. He has his hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans the way he always does when he's nervous, awkward or shy.

He notices me looking and swallows hard. Something about the look in his eyes makes me feel like he came here for a reason.

"Excuse me a second, will you?" I murmur as I slide out of the booth. I don't care what Blake thinks as I walk across the small restaurant, crossing my arms over my chest awkwardly as I come to a stop just a few feet away from Luke. "If you're here to make sure that I didn't take what happened yesterday seriously, just get it over with please," I say in a quiet, broken voice, unable to look him in the eyes.

He opens his mouth, nervously playing with his lip ring. "I'm tired of pretending like I can do this," he says, his voice breaking. I glance up at him in surprise. "I broke up with you because of my stupid pride. I couldn't go through what I did with Celeste again. But I can't stay away from you." Luke takes a deep, shaky breath. "I love you, Kat, I always have and I always will. Everything feels empty and wrong without you. I can't stop thinking about you, cursing myself for ever letting you go. I-"

He doesn't finish his sentence before I grab the collar of his shirt and yank him down to me, kissing him passionately. He's taken off guard, his arms slowly coming up around me. I go onto my tiptoes to get closer to him, locking my arms around his neck. Luke's hand slides into my hair, his other dropping down to my waist, holding me against him.

I don't think of the people watching us. I don't think of Blake, who must have been paying attention to the entire conversation. All I can think of is Luke's hands on me, his lips moving against mine. A sense of rightness overwhelms me. It's like the universe is nudging me towards this boy in front of me, whispering that this is my perfect other half, the one that was made just for me.

We break away and I tilt my head downward shyly, my arms still around his neck.

"I love you too," I say softly, glancing up at him through my lashes.

Luke grins like someone who just won the lottery, wrapping his arms tightly around me, twirling me around lightly. I laugh as he sets me back down, setting my hand on the side of his face gently. He leans into my touch, placing his hand over mine.

"I'm sorry for ever believing that you would cheat on me," he whispers.

"I'm sorry for giving you any reason to believe that you're not perfect just the way you are," I murmur back.

He smiles as he rests his forehead against mine.

Clearing my throat, I start to pull away from him gently. "Could you give me a minute?" I mumble, giving his hand a squeeze.

Luke nods, stepping off to the side to lean against the wall while he waits for me. Taking a deep breath, I walk back over to where Blake sits alone in the booth, a heartbroken look on his face. I open my mouth to try to explain but no words come out.

He gives me a sad, knowing smile. "Hey, don't worry about it. I think we both knew that this was coming anyways." Blake glances down at his cup of coffee. His brows draw together as he looks back up at me. "I could have never competed with him, I see that now. It will always be him."

"I'm really sorry, Blake," I say, nervously pulling down the beanie I wore this morning because it was cold out. "You're not actually that bad to talk to though," I tease gently, playfully punching him in the arm. "Maybe we could still be friends?"

My ex smiles up at me, nodding slowly. "I'd like that."

I lean over to kiss him on the cheek. As bad as I feel for him, I can't help but feel excitedly jittery. I sneak a glance over my shoulder at Luke to spot him watching me, a faint smile on his face as he leans against the wall casually. Turning back to Blake, I start to back away. "I'll text you the next time the gang does something fun; you should join us. See you later, Blake!"

He waves back half-heartedly as I turn away from him, looping my arm through Luke's when I reach him. A sense of rightness washes over me as our fingers intertwine, fitting together just like they were made to.

"Where to next, Hemmings?" I say as Luke pulls open the door of the cafe.

He grins over at me, the familiar spark of true happiness I've missed so much shining in his crystal blue eyes. "Your parents' house," he starts mischievously. "I believe you have a few things there that you may need when you move back into the apartment."

I smile as I stretch up to kiss him on the lips. 

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