Chapter 49

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"Are you sure this is the right place?" Ashton asks, leaning forward in the driver's seat to get a better view. The hood of his sweatshirt fell off of his curly brown hair as he moved. "It's huge."

"That's what she said," Michael snickers in the back seat.

We all turn to glare at him.

"What?" he demands defensively. "We were all thinking it." A sly smirk crossing his face, he adds, "I bet that's what Kat says to Luke when they-"

"Michael!" I yell, cutting him off. My cheeks feel like they're on fire.

"That's enough road trip to last me a lifetime," Calum mutters.

Luke's cheeks are still tinged pink as he opens the door, looking down at his phone to see the directions Celeste sent him. Celeste and Jack's friend owns a lake house not that far from LA and he agreed to let us stay here for a few days that we're on break for Christmas. It's too cold to go in the lake, but there's a hot tub on the back of the porch.

Michael shuts his door behind him, racing over to the silver car parked next to us. Liv turns from where she was unloading her things from the trunk, a smile breaking out on her face as Mikey throws an arm around her, kissing her on the lips. I smile at them as Michael reaches to help her with the bags, whispering something in her ear that makes her laugh.

Luke catches me watching them, a soft smile crossing his face as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind me, showing me the directions on his phone. "Can you go get the key while I unload our stuff?"

I feel myself blush again at how close he is, his breath warm on the back of my neck. Nodding, I took his phone from him, rereading the directions on how to get the key. When I come back, they've piled everything in front of the door, waiting for me to unlock it. April holds out her hands for the keys and I toss them to her as I walk closer, passing Luke his phone back.

Liv and April were beyond excited to come on this little vacation with us. April is always down for some fun, while Liv is probably the most excited about the fact that she gets to live in a house with Michael for a few days. Cassidy is traveling somewhere with her family for the week we have off, and couldn't come.

I pick my bag up and carry it inside with some of the food Ashton so helpfully bought for us to bring. "Alright, there are three rooms, so people are going to have to partner up."

"Dibs on rooming with Ashton," Calum calls, winking at the other boy.

April rolls her eyes at them, sliding an arm around Liv's shoulders. "I'm stealing Liv from Michael."

They both blush and Michael murmurs, "I'll room with Cal and Ash."

I smile as I turn to Luke. "I guess that just leaves you and me."

He grins back, dropping one of those gorgeous blue eyes into a wink. "Just the way I like it." He leans down to press his lips to mine, stepping closer to deepen the kiss, his free arm sliding around my waist.

"Uh, the rest of us are still here, you know," Michael interrupts.

Luke breaks away from me, shooting Mike a halfhearted glare as he starts toward the stairs leading to the upstairs of the house. It's much nicer than any other house I've been in before. The back wall that faces the lake is almost completely glass, the living room looking out over the lake.

Calum runs past me up the stairs, yelling over his shoulder, "We get first dibs on a room!"

Luke starts to chase after him. "Oh no you dont!"

April rolls her eyes as she flips her sunglasses on to the top of her head, but I can tell that she's trying not to smile.

I look into the first room on the right to see Calum lying on top of the king sized bed. He grins when he sees me, winking at me. "Draw me like one of your French girls," he says in a seductive voice that sounds terrible.

I laugh, shaking my head as I move on down the hallway.

"Kat!" Luke calls, sticking his head out of the last room on the left. "I got this one for us."

I walk into the room. It's decently sized, a queen bed in the middle. Luke sets his bags down and jumps backwards onto the bed, propping himself up on one of his elbows. I grin as I jump up onto the bed next to him, scooting closer to wrap my arms around him. I lean in to kiss him, but Michael pokes his head in the doorway.

"Alright you two, you know the drill," he says with a wide smirk. "No glove, no love. Don't be a fool, cover your tool. Don't be a loner and cover your boner."

Luke grabs one of the pillows off of the bed and chucks it at Michael, but he dodges it at the last second. "Oh shut up," he mutters, blushing.

Michael chuckles as he walks down the hallway, calling over his shoulder, "No one likes a horse's ass, protect yourself at climax!"

"Michael, c'mere you little nasty!" I hear Ashton shout. Michael yelps as he starts running down the stairs, Ashton chasing after him, yelling.

Luke drops his head to my shoulder. "I'm going to kill him."

I smile as I slide one of my hands behind his neck, pulling him closer to me. An eyelash is stuck to his cheek and I brush it away with my thumb, lost in his blue eyes. "There's plenty of time to get your revenge. Just wait for him to be with Liv."

He breaks into a huge grin, pushing himself up and flipping us around so he's hovering over top of me and my back's against the bed. "You're evil," he says, still smiling. "I like it."

Luke leans down to kiss my collarbone. I shudder when I feel his teeth against my skin, his tongue running over my collarbone as he leaves behind a mark. I move my head so he kisses my mouth, desperate to feel my lips against his. He smiles as he deepens the kiss, sliding one hand up my thigh and over my hip, slipping beneath the hem of my shirt. He feels so good and I never want to stop kissing him.

I grip the edge of his sweatshirt up over his head, and I've almost got his shirt off too when we're interrupted.

"Ewww, don't make out with the door wide open!" Calum scolds, shielding his eyes with a hand. "I just came to ask you if you wanted to go get dinner in the town or make something here. I didn't need to see all of that."

"You know you enjoyed it," Luke says with a wink, pulling his shirt back down over his stomach as he stands on his knees. "Don't worry Calum, there's enough of me to go around."

I stick my lower lip out in a pout, throwing my arms around his waist and holding him tightly. "No, you're mine."

Calum pretends to be disgusted, but I can see the smile in his eyes. Raking a hand through his messy dark hair he refuses to cut, he says, "So is that a yes to dinner out or... ?"

I roll my eyes at him, jumping up to get on Luke's back. He lets out a surprised sound as he hooks his arms around my legs to keep me from falling. "Let's go out," Luke says as he tries to regain his balance. "Kat's got a lot of energy she can use up."

"I have a better use for all that energy," I say in a low, suggestive tone, grinning at the way it causes Luke to blush.

"You're disgusting," Calum mutters.

"Kat tells me that every night, right after I-" Luke starts with a sly grin.

"Lucas Robert Hemmings!" Cal almost yells.

I laugh, letting go of Luke and falling back on the bed as Calum hits him playfully upside the head. "Just get ready so we can go get some food, Hemmings," Cal says as he starts down the hallway. 


It's been a long week and it's finally Friday but how have you guys been? Sorry it's been a while, but I have an extra long weekend this week so hopefully I'll be able to update more. 

Vote and comment and all that good stuff. 

Remember, the more you weigh the harder you are to kidnap. Stay safe, eat cake. 

- A

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