Chapter 53

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I nervously smooth down my dress, feeling like I'm going to throw up. What if I trip? What if Luke changes his mind?

"Hey, hey, calm down," Mali says, walking over to where I'm standing in front of a mirror someone dragged in here for me. She reaches out to fix my makeup, smiling down at me. "Don't worry, you look absolutely amazing. Luke loves you so much and he's going to be waiting for you at that altar, ok? Stop overthinking it."

"I know I'm just... I'm so fucking nervous, Mali," I breathe. "The wedding's in half an hour and I don't think I can do it."

"Don't talk like that, all you've been talking about for months was today. You're going to go out there and you're going to marry that boy because he loves you and you love him."

"Everyone's nervous on their wedding day," my mom chimes in, setting her hands on my shoulders. "You're going to be ok, I promise. You're going to forget about everything else the second you walk in there and see him waiting for you."

I nod, but I can't seem to make myself believe it.

My mom looks over at Joy and mouths something that I can't make out and she walks out. "Why don't you sit down for a second?" my mom says to me, leading me over to an empty chair.

I anxiously fiddle with the skirts of my dress. I've never been the best in heels and I just know that I'm going to trip over the hem of my dress and ruin the whole thing.

The door creaks open and a familiar person pokes his head through. "Kat?"

"Calum!" I exclaim, jumping up and rushing over to him. I throw my arms around him, already calming down now that he's here with me. "I don't know if I can do this, Cal, I'm so nervous I feel like I'm going to be sick," I say, starting to ramble.

"Having second thoughts, are we?" he says with a soft chuckle. "Kat, everything's going to be just fine, just calm down. If you do throw up, I'll make sure to bring a trash can."

I shove his shoulder playfully. "Cal, be serious."

"I am serious," he says with a grin. "I'm going to stand up there and hold a trash can for you. You give me the signal and I'll make sure it gets in the trash can." He stops joking now, growing solemn. "You're going to be just fine. Trust me, if someone is likely to throw up out of nerves, it's Luke. And you know how awkward he is, the poor boy can't walk over a flat surface without tripping over something."

I laugh, some of my nervousness fading. "Thanks, Cal," I say sincerely, locking eyes with him.

He nods and starts to return to wherever the groomsmen are getting ready, but I grab his arm and hold him back.

"Cal... Would you walk me down the aisle?" I ask nervously. Seeing the surprised expression on his face, I rush to add, "My dad's not here and you're my best friend and I-"

"Kat, I would be honored to walk you down the aisle," he says, cutting off my nervous rambling. He hugs me tightly and I think I see tears shining in his eyes.

I'm content to just stand there and hug my best friend until my mom comes up behind me and gently tells me that it's time. I nod and she walks out to take a seat with Liz and Joy, all three of them linking arms as they find their places.

Mali winks at me over her shoulder as she leads my bridesmaids down the aisle and I smile back at her as they disappear around the corner.

"You don't need that trash can, do you?" Calum mutters to me as we start forward.

I tighten my grip around his arm. "You should probably keep it ready just in case," I murmur back as we turn the corner, only half joking.

There are so many people, all staring at me. We didn't invite that many people, but suddenly it feels like a lot. I find my mom in the front row and that calms me down a little. Michael catches my eye off to the side and he sticks his tongue out at me, which makes me smile.

I'm about to start freaking out again when I see him.

Luke's eyes meet mine across the room and everything else melts away. I spent two years of my life trying to get over some guy I thought I was in love with, somehow missing the fact that the perfect guy for me was right in front of my face the entire time.

Calum comes to a stop at the end of the aisle, looking back and forth between me and Luke with a soft smile. Silently, he takes my arm from around his and places my hand in Luke's. Locking eyes with Luke, Calum nods firmly as he moves to take his place for the ceremony.

Trying not to trip, I step up onto the altar next to Luke, clinging tightly to his hands.

"You look amazing," Luke mouths to me as the reverend starts talking.

"You too," I mouth back.

And he does. The black suit fits him perfectly, his broad shoulders filling it out. Someone obviously helped him with his tie because lord knows Luke can't put a tie on correctly to save his life.

I smile as I bring my gaze back up to his eyes, the very same shade as the ocean we used to look out over for years, the ocean where I kissed him for the very first time.

I remember the soft look in those blue eyes the first day I was back from San Francisco, all of us screaming the words to one of our favorite songs.

I remember how his head rested on my shoulder after he'd gotten stitches in the MedExpress, his hand laced with mine and his even breathing in my ear.

I remember the night we'd gotten into a fight and he'd crashed Calum's mom's car and we all rushed to the hospital. That was the night I told him I loved him for the first time, the night when I knew that he was my everything.

I remember the day he almost died and how terrified I was of losing him.

I remember those few torturous weeks where he'd broken up with me over Blake and I didn't think I could keep on living without him.

I remember everything, from the first look he gave me when he pulled up to The Scoop with Calum riding in the basket attached to his bike to the look he's giving me now, a look that says that this is everything he ever wanted and more.

The preacher, turning to Luke. "Luke Hemmings, do you take Katherine Fuller to be your lawfully wedded wife, for better or for worse, until death do you part?"

"I do," Luke says, giving my hands a gentle squeeze.

The preacher smiles before turning to me. "Katherine Fuller, do you take Luke Hemmings to be your lawfully wedded husband, for better or for worse, until death do you part?"

I didn't realize until now that I was crying and I have to clear my throat before I speak. "I do."

"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride."

Luke grins as his mouth crashes against mine, his hands coming up to cup my face. He slips an arm around my waist when we break away, turning to walk back down the aisle. The boys rush over to us, yelling.

"Congrats guys!" Ashton shouts, throwing his arms around us both.

"You're gonna have so much fun on your honeymoon," Michael teases with a smirk, causing both of us to blush.

Calum smacks him upside the head. "Watch it, Clifford."

Michael giggles as he runs to where Liv is, his red head bobbing among the crowd.

"Awww I'm so happy for you guys!" my mom says, coming over to hug each of us. She's crying and Liz hands her a tissue, which she gratefully takes.

Liz steps forward, smiling more than I've seen in a long time. "Welcome to the family, Kat," she says, locking eyes with Luke before she moves to follow the crowd outside.

I smile to myself, wrapping my arms tightly around Luke to avoid being ripped away from him as we made our way outside. Calum jumps on Ash's back, laughing as he runs through the crowd with him on his back.

"I love you," I mumble, burying my face in Luke's chest as we walk.

He presses a kiss to the top of my head, murmuring, "I love you too."

The warm air hits my skin the second we step outside and I smile up at him as we head over to where our closest friends and family are waiting to take pictures before the reception. He smiles back, squeezing my arm gently.

I still can't believe that he's mine.

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