Chapter 12

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"Kat, please come out," Calum says as he keeps on pointlessly knocking on my door like he has been for the past fifteen minutes. "We could go to the beach," he suggests. "We could go see a movie, go mini golfing, whatever you want. Please, Kat, come out."

I curl up on my bed, hugging my knees to my chest. When will he understand that I don't want to do anything? Nothing can fill the place where Luke was. I don't want to go mini golfing or skydiving or even meet fucking Oprah. I just want Luke back.

"Go away," I call out feebly as I bury my face in my pillow. My eyes sting with hot tears, but I hardly register their presence anymore. "I don't want to do anything."

Calum finally stops knocking. "So you'd rather sit in there feeling sorry for yourself?" he snaps. "That's not to help you get Luke back."

I stalk across the room and throw the door open, coming to face to face with my friend. "Nothing will and you know that," I hiss sharply.
"He doesn't believe he's enough and doesn't want to get hurt again," Calum counters. "So prove him wrong."


"Why are we here?" I ask as I hug my jacket closer to my body. White sand slips between my toes and the waves of the ocean crash around me. "How's going to the beach going to help me?"

Calum wordlessly points down the beach at the figure making its way towards us. I inhale sharply when I recognize the outline. "He runs on the beach every morning," Cal murmurs in my ear. "You don't have to talk to him. Just show him that you're out and about and not with Blake."

Easier said than done, I think to myself. God, he isn't even wearing a shirt. I fix my eyes straight ahead as we start walking down the beach towards Luke, Calum muttering useless things to distract me. I watch my now ex boyfriend out of the corner of my eye, noticing his steps falter when he spots us. He almost trips and face plants in the sand, but catches himself and tries to continue on as if nothing ever happened. I try to hold back the tears I feel forming. He really doesn't care about me anymore.

Calum spins me around to face him, looking me in the eyes. "Hey, I know that look. He does care about you, Kat. You know how I know?" I bite my lip and he continues, trying to make me understand. "Whenever you walk in the room he becomes ten times happier. He constantly talks about you when you aren't there and it's kinda annoying but it's cute so I let it slide. When you're not looking... he looks at you like you're his whole world. Kat, the boy loves you, he just can't believe that you'd ever choose to be with him because he's never had someone choose him before."

I look down at the ground as we walk. I appreciate what Calum's trying to do, but he's only confusing me further. Why can't anything just be simple? I'm so done with everything being complicated.

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is so short, everything's been super stressful with school and stuff.
Luke and Kat broke up!!! :((((
And Blake is trying to win her back, but Kat just wants Luke back. Or does she... ? ;)

Thanks for all your support, I love each and every one of you!! :)) <3
~ A

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