Part 4

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You would think since we've been together for six years, that the beatings and ass whoopings would stop but unfortunately Christina made it her business to make sure I felt as if no one wanted me but her. I tried to think about the way Jennifer made me feel to keep my mind from what I knew would happen once I made it home, but I couldn't, so I just turned on the radio. Not even twenty minutes up the road my phone started ringing again, but instead of it being Chris this time it was Jennifer. "Hey, baby I miss you.", she said with such a sweet tone. She almost sounded sleepy, but it was like a sexy sleepy like I can't wait for you to come over and fuck me sleepy. I could tell from the look in her eyes that It was sincere, but apart of me was holding back tears knowing that I needed to tell her about Chris. I knew how Jennifer felt about me by her actions and the way she treated me but looking into her eyes on Facetime confirmed it all. I couldn't help the tears falling down my cheeks, however it was time for me to face reality and tell her the secret that I had been hiding from her. I felt like I was going to lose my best friend, it was just so hard to get the words that I was thinking to roll off my tongue. "Jenny, I have something to tell you", I said with more fear in my voice than I had ever. She was really aggressive with her response almost like she knew what I was going to say but instead she said, "What is it Ebony? Please don't tell me you've been fucking niggas too." All I could think about was that she said please don't tell me you've been fucking niggas too, it was like she knew something that I didn't know. I ended up crying more at the thought of her and Chris really thinking I'm out here fucking niggas. When the reality of things was the hurt coming from me being unhappy with Chris and happy with Jennifer, but what do I say? "Jennifer, I need to tell you something seriously, but maybe we need to talk face to fa---" in the middle of trying to explain things to her my call dropped. I looked at the clock in my car it was 10 o'clock and I had finally made it home, who would of knew that was going to be a long ass drive like that? As soon as I opened the door, I was looking to see if Christina's crazy ass was waiting on the couch in our living room but thank God she wasn't. Our apartment was nice, two bedrooms, about 1300 square feet, so there was no telling where she was at this point, but with the way I was feeling I really didn't care. My plan was to sleep in our spare bedroom to avoid the arguments and possible fights per the usual. As I walked in the room to turn on the light, I felt Christina's hand across my face and this time I was hoping she would just choke me out so that maybe I would be numb to the pain. She held me on the bed and started choking me, "Bitch, where have you been?", she said. Without letting me explain my whereabouts the slapping turned into punches and it seemed as if the more I tried to explain the harder she would punch me, so I just laid there. Have you ever just felt as if you wanted someone to go ahead and do what they planned on doing? Well, I was hoping she would choke me to death because I wanted a way out of this relationship. She reminded me daily that the only way out of six years would be death and as bad as it sounds, I think I was ready.

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