Part 22

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I guess me kicking Christina's ass at Vaeh's house wasn't enough this bitch really had some nerve to hit me again while I was trying to sleep. I felt my eyes getting blood shot red and with the way I was feeling I wanted to burn this entire apartment complex down like Left Eye. Christina was going to vanish without a trace in thin air. My initial plan was to let her fuck me real good and wait till she went to sleep and set her mothafucking car on fire. I know y'all saw the scene from waiting to exhale you might as well call me Angela Basset's daughter right now. When I got to my bedroom Chris already had the plasdick strapped and ready to bend me over and fuck me. I hadn't had sex with her in a few days so ain't no telling what she was about to do to me. Call me crazy but this was one nut I needed to bust before I did the crazy shit I was about to do. I walked up to Chris and pushed her on the bed, I always like to suck the dick to give her the best visual. She grabbed my hair and pushed my head up and down while I sucked every inch of the dick preparing her for what was going to happen next. I could tell she liked it because she moaned like the dick was attached to her body. "Yes, baby suck daddy's dick", she moaned while pushing my head up and down. This crazy bitch really thought we were on good terms by the way I was sucking her strap. Hahaha she just don't know she had another thing coming. I got on top and grinded my pussy on her strap, I had to show her the true definition of riding the surfboard. Beyoncé ain't have shit on me I planned to fuck this bitch back to sleep. After we finished I set my alarm and we laid on separate sides fuck all that cuddling. I knew I had to get up bright and early to head to Vaeh house so we could finish planning things for the funeral. What was this secret that Vaeh had to tell me that had to do with the family? Why did she want to tell me the secret the day of Steve's funeral? My phone started going off and it wasn't my alarm this time. Now who the fuck could this be at 2 o'clock in the morning? It was Vaeh she needed me to come over and she needed me to come over fast she said. I slipped on my pajamas and snuck out the back door I didn't need Chris to know I left. I figured by the time I made it to Vaeh's I'd text her and tell her I left. As soon as I got their Vaeh was sitting in her living room crying. I'm thinking the reality of our stepdad being dead hit her but apparently it was something else. I wiped her tears and told her to calm down and talk to me . "Sister I can't go to Steve's funeral, she said. I just figured Vaeh was being her bipolar self but something was up and I needed to find out. "You remember that time Ma thought I was having sex the night she washed our clothes and found blood in my---"she paused. "Blood in your what Vaeh", I yelled trying to get it out of her. "Ma found blood in my panties and beat the shit out of me because she thought I was having sex and I was only 9 years old sister, 9 fucking years old". I wasn't sure where she was going with the story but I knew this had something to do with why she wasn't taking her ass to the funeral later today and I needed full fucking details. "Steve raped me Boobie, he raped me, he told me I was too young to have the shape that I had and my body belonged to him since he took care of me", she kicked and screamed. I held her I can't believe that sick bastard did that to my sister! Now I see exactly why she showed no emotions when I called her and told her that he was killed. Now I see why she left the house at 16 and now I see why she didn't trust niggas. Because the one man she was supposed to trust in her life , the man she looked at as a father figure took her innocence and Ma never believed her. Ma beat her ass for three days straight because Steve told Ma that Vaeh was probably being fast and had some young niggas in the house.... All I could do was hold my sister in my arms, "I'll never let another nigga hurt you again, I said. "And as for Pizza Hut Vaeh he gone get his believe that".....

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