Part 15

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Lord knows I feared Chris and the only thing that was driving me right now was adrenaline, hell in reality that's all I needed. As I got to the last step my phone rang, it was Jennifer and she had plenty of explaining to do but right now I didn't have time for the explanations, I planned to catch a body with this bat and no I gave no fucks she was with child. I answered the phone in a "what do you want man" tone and it hurt because I never talked to Jennifer like this, but I was furious. "What's up", I said in aggravated as fuck. She replied, "Ebony I'm sorry let me explain, I planned on telling you all these truths once I fell for you, but I didn't know how." Confusion was written all over my face now what in the fuck was she not telling me? I felt deceived on all ends but at the end of the day I wasn't all the way honest with Jennifer either. I responded, "Jennifer what the fuck type of games are you playing? You know what save it, I'm taking care of something right now." "Ebony, baby please listen I'll head to your house right now so that we can talk." Wait how the fuck did she know where I lived, I thought to myself. "Jennifer, how do you know where I live?" My phone died just as I was getting everything out, damn iPhone never stayed charged. Obviously, that was perfect timing because I was at my door and it was time for me to plan on how I was going to kick down the door like Monica was talking about in that "So Gone" song or turn my key in door. I'll turn the key seeing that I didn't need anyone to call the police before I got their asses. As I was reaching in my purse, I realized that I must have left my house keys in my car and I refused to walk back downstairs so I knocked on the door and covered the peephole. To my surprise Chris answered the door with the quickness but my eyes and nose were confused. I knew she didn't expect to see me, but it was like she was thinking someone else was at the door. There she was standing there in nothing, but a towel and I could smell my Marc Jacobs perfume on her body. As she looked up to see it was me she said "baby look you gone have to" "Ebony" .... It sounded like she was about to brief this nigga for about the conversation we just had. "Baby what" first swing up and I gave it all my might I was swinging like Jackie Robinson trying to hit a home run. She ducked so I missed but ended up putting a bad ass hole in my living room wall, fuck that deposit I wanted her head. As she backed up pleading, I closed the door and continued swinging, screaming obscenities that had never left my body before in my life. "You" swing "got" swing "me" swing "fucked up" I finally connected and hit that bitch right on the side of her kneecap, she buckled and fell to the floor. "Please just listen Ebony", she pleaded. "Fuck you", I screamed as I swung once more and connected this time in her back. As she laid there crying trying to recover from the pain, I just looked at her this was my revenge for all she put me through, and I was going to get it all out. "You mean to tell me I can't touch you but you letting a man fuck and nut inside of you?" As I raised the bat all the way up over my head ready to supply this bitch my next hit. I hear keys opening my damn door, who the fuck is opening my door like they live here too?

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