Part 32

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The text from Vaeh fucked my head all the way up. What was wrong with her? Why did she wanna kill herself? Was Pizza Hut trying to frame my sisters death? So many question ran through my head and I wanted answers. I was furious as fuck I had already committed a crime that I had never thought would happen but who gives a fuck Steve deserved to die but I'd be damn if Vaeh went out like that. I wanted to leave Jennifer ass on the side of the road so bad because this bitch betrayed me and my family so who gave a fuck what happened to her. She was lucky Vaeh was more important, I didn't have time to ditch her ass and go see my baby I had to go check on my baby. Ma kept calling and calling and as much as I wanted to answer I couldn't I had to stay focused. I received a text from our older sister Princess wondering what time would I make it there. So many emotions going on I didn't know rather to laugh, smile, cry, be angry all I could do was keep my head up and be strong for Vaeh. I pulled the car over " Jennifer get the fuck outta my car right now we gotta get a few things understood right fucking now",I said while grabbing her neck. She was so scared she could of pissed on herself. " Lets get a few things understood here... you don't know nothing so don't say nothing. What you saw happened did not happen. You're only alive because my sister is far more important right now you got that? You betrayed me and I didn't expect that from you Jenny but you will get yours. Now go on and get back in the car we got an understanding right"? She shook her head yes and got back in the car I guess everything was understood. I got a text from princess saying they finally admitted Vaeh into the hospital she swallowed way too many pills and they had to pump her stomach and I needed to get to the hospital soon. I had to put the petal to the metal right now everything else is irrelevant. I had to make sure Jennifer fixed herself up I didn't need any questions while we were at the hospital as long as she knew she didn't know nothing so she couldn't say nothing we were good. As soon as we made it to the hospital I got a call from Chris' sister I declined it because I ain't have time for that crazy bitch shenanigans she better leave a voicemail or something. I guess me declining the call wasn't good enough so she called back. I decided to pick up to see what she wanted. " Hello, I'm at the hospital talk fast I got things to do", I said. She was crying I didn't know what the fuck was up. Before you go in that hospital I want you to know that , that ain't Vaeh laid up in the hospital it's Chris and we might have to pull the pl--". The call dropped what in the fuck ? how in the fuck where they texting me from my family members phone numbers?Dawg this is some crazy ass bullshit. So where the fuck is Vaeh, where is my mama, where is princess so many unanswered questions right now?!

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