Part 10

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Jennifer had this puzzled look in her eyes like she was confused I'm assuming she didn't know why she was at my mother's house. I was determined to figure out what they were doing here and how the hell they knew where my mother lived. Jennifer told me that Misty told her that her fiancé was killed, and she needed to go to his house to be with his family and check on his will. I was confused because my step-dad was killed so does that mean that Misty had been fucking my step-dad, now it has me wondering did my mother know? "Misty, what are y'all doing here and how do you know where my mother lives?", I asked her but of course she gave me this dumb founded looked like she didn't know what I was talking about. Jennifer had just sent me a text trying to explain things if only she knew. All this means is that Jennifer knew this shit all along, so when I got the call about the family emergency she already fucking knew.  What kind of Jerry Springer, Maury Povich shit is this?  "I'm here to be with my fiancé's family he was just killed", Misty said while rolling her eyes. Also, I have somethings to tell the family and I know that they will be just as happy as I am to share this news. My mother didn't even have time to discuss the funeral arrangements or the will and I knew for sure this would be too much for her to handle. "And what is it that you need to tell his family Misty because my mother is his family and as far as I'm concerned, he is NOT your damn fiancé that's my mothers' husband", I yelled! I must have yelled loud enough because my mother came outside to see what all the noise was outside. "Ma go back inside I got this we will talk later", I said. Surprisingly she didn't stay and be nosy and let me handle everything. Misty looked at me like she wanted to fight me, and I just looked at Jennifer because how the fuck did, she know all of this but didn't tell me anything. I felt betrayed because honestly, I thought that Jennifer loved me but what the fuck, I haven't even told her about Chris. "So, tell me why y'all are here again? Jennifer what the fuck is going on?", I said with fire in my eyes. "My fucking fiancé' passed away that's why I'm here." Misty insisted on reiterating that my step-dad was her husband. "I'm pregnant and I'm having Steve's baby that's why the fuck I'm here", Misty yelled! So, did I hear exactly what I thought I heard, Misty is having my step-dad's baby?

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