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"Why do you have a camera set up", I asked. I'd been kidnapped for nearly a year, and I'd just begun to accept my fate.

"It's for my movies."
"What movies?" Daniel sighed.
"Come here", Daniel said. I walked over to him. He typed something on his computer, and then he showed me a website. There were videos of girls my age and older in there.

"What is this", I asked.
"It's called 'Smokey Vids', Ashli. On here, guys and girls post videos of... Things. In order to watch the videos, you have to pay money. How much it costs depends on the user that uploaded the video. These videos aren't for children", Daniel replied.
"What do you mean?" I didn't understand.
"These videos, they're X-rated. Just look at their names." Daniel was right. The videos weren't for children.

"But you still haven't answered my question."
"What was your question?"
"Why do you have a camera set up", I asked again.
"It's because I use videos I make of you to make money in here", Daniel said.
"How much does it cost to watch them?" There was a pause before Daniel said anything.

"It costs 1,000 dollars to watch one video", Daniel said. In my head, only one thing came to mind: Who would pay one thousand dollars to watch a video of me getting tortured and raped?

"And I need to make a new video. Fans want more of you", Daniel said. I looked at him.
"I don't want to do this. This isn't right", I said. Daniel stood up and grabbed my arm.

"It doesn't matter, you little brat. Whatever I say, you do", Daniel said as he threw me onto the bed. He began to set up the camera, preparing to make another film...
"Ashli! Wake up!" I opened my eyes and seen Joey standing over me, holding my hand.

"Are you okay", Joey asked.
"I don't know." I started to cry. I didn't want to cry. I hated crying.

"What's wrong", Joey asked, lifting me up.
"I had another nightmare", I said, tears streaming down my face. Joey pulled me next to him, still holding my hand.

"What were you dreaming about? You were screaming in your sleep", Joey explained.
"I had a dream about Daniel...again", I said.
"It's okay. He's not here", Joey said.
"But it seemed so real. And I'm so scared." I began to feel light headed, as though I might faint. I didn't know what was going on. It seemed as though I couldn't focus on one thing.

"I feel...dizzy", I said. I began to collapse, but something stopped me from falling on the floor. Joey caught me in his arms.
"Woah, Ashli", he said. He sat me on the bed. Joey held my hands.

"I...Joey...I'm...sorry...it's...all...because...of...me...it's...my...fault", I mumbled.
"Ashli, nothing is your fault."
"Ashli, what do you mean", Joey asked.
He gently picked me up and carried me downstairs. I could hear his heart beating in his chest. I didn't feel dizzy any more, but I was still worried.

"Do you want to go to the hospital", Joey asked.
"No, I don't", I said. I wanted to be here with Joey.
"I'm worried about you, Ash. You really need to go", Joey said.
"But I don't want to!" I made a pouty face at Joey. He sighed.

"Fine. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." Joey picked me up and carried me up to our room. He placed me on the bed.

"Are you sure that you're okay?"
"Yes, Joey. I'm fine."
"Well, you just need to get some sleep." I nodded and laid down.

"Can you stay in here with me?"
"Of course." Joey got into bed next to me, kissed me, and wrapped his arm around me.

"Good night, Ashli. I love you", Joey said.
"I love you, too", I said. I curled up next to Joey and fell asleep.

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