36 - Joey's POV

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I was in the surgery waiting room. Ashli was in surgery due to her injuries. All that I could think about was Ashli getting better. John was next to me, playing on his phone. Mic had went home - a friend had came and picked him up. Then, a nurse walked out.

"Are you Mr. Joey Larsson", the nurse, identified as Leah, asked.
"Yes, I am."
"I am sorry to inform you of this, but your wife is in a coma. Surgery went well, but the doctors aren't sure if she will live or die." I felt my heart collapse in my chest. Ashli, sweet and innocent Ashli, in a coma?

"Thank you, Nurse Leah", I said.
"Your welcome." She turned around and walked down the hall.

"Ashli is in a coma?"
"Yeah, John. Ashli is in a coma." A doctor walked into the hallway from her surgery room. He came over to me.

"Has Leah came out here yet", he asked.
"Yes, she has. May I go into Nicole's room", I asked (btw, Joey still calls his wife Ashli even though her name is really Nicole).
"Not right now - the doctors are putting her into a new room. But, when they do, yes, you can", the doctor, Dr. Jackson, said.
"Thank you", I said.
"No problem." The doctor walked away. A few minutes went by before I could go see Ashli.

"John, do you want to come with me?"
"No. I'll let you spend time with Ashli." I nodded and walked into her room. There she was. I felt the tears come into my eyes, burning them. I took a seat next to Ashli.

Her face was covered in cuts and bruises. Ashli's arms and legs looked the same, if not worse. The small hospital gown went to the middle of her thighs, and I could see multiple cuts there. Ashli had an IV needle in her arm, giving her blood. An oxygen tube was in her nose. There was a purple cast on her right arm, a bandage on her left wrist, and a cast on her right foot. Ashli was very thin, a sign that Daniel had starved her.

This was all my fault. I could have prevented this from happening. But now, because of me, Ashli was in a coma. I gently grabbed her hand and held it. The tears were falling down my face.

"Ashli, I don't know if you can hear me, but if you can, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not saving you sooner. I'm sorry that I'm such a bad husband. You deserve better", I said. And it was true; Ashli deserved someone that hadn't cheated on her, someone that would always be there for her. Ashli, the girl who hadn't done a single thing to deserve this, was in a coma. She could die. I shuddered at that thought. No, Ashli won't die. She is a strong person and she will survive, I thought. But, no matter how hard I thought that she would survive, something deep down inside of me said that she wouldn't.

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