38 - Joey's POV

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Two Weeks Later...

"As shown in these images, we can all say that this was the work of a very evil person, like Daniel", said Tyler Seville. Tyler was helping me in the case of Nicole Larsson versus Daniel Wright. After the police arrested Daniel and interrogated him, it was decided that there would be a trial to put him behind bars.

"Mr. Seville, how can you say that? How do we know that Nicole didn't do this herself", asked Bill Flighty, who would rather have Daniel walking the streets.

"Well, Mr. Flighty, I know that Nicole didn't do this because, before this incident, there were no signs that anyone had hurt her. I will admit that there were scars on Mrs. Larsson's body, but those were also caused by Daniel less than five years ago. Is that true, Mr. Larsson?"
"Yes, it is", I said. Mr. Flighty sighed. He knew that Tyler was winning this case, and he didn't like it.

"Another thing to contribute is the fact that Mrs. Larsson is in a coma right now. A doctor gave me Mrs. Larsson's medical report. Your Honor, may I read it", Tyler asked the judge, Judge Lawrence.
"Yes, you may." Tyler nodded and grabbed a piece of paper.

"Mrs. Larsson has multiple stab wounds to the stomach; a total of thirteen. There are many cuts and slices on her body; a total of seventeen on the left arm, four on the right, eleven on the left leg, nine on the right leg, and one on her lip. There was also a total of forty-four bruises; eight on the left arm, twelve on the right arm, thirteen on the left inner thigh, and eleven on the right inner thigh. Mrs. Larsson has a broken right arm, a sprained left wrist, and a broken right ankle. Mrs. Larsson has been raped multiple times; she does not have any sexually transmitted diseases, any infections, and Mrs. Larsson is not pregnant", Tyler read. The jury gasped, along with Mr. Flighty. The judge was doing his best not to cry.

"Mr. Seville, is there anything else that you would like to say?"
"No, your Honor." Tyler said.
"Jury, what have you concluded", Judge Lawrence asked. A tall man stood up.

"Your Honor, we find Daniel Wright guilty on attempted murder, rape, domestic violence, domestic abuse, and sexual abuse." Judge Lawrence nodded.

"Daniel Wright has been found guilty on all charges. I sentence him to death row. Case dismissed." I began to cry tears of happiness. Finally, Daniel was going to pay for what he had done. I stood up and walked outside. Police men were placing Daniel in the back of a police vehicle. News reporters were everywhere, but I ignored them as I got into my car. I had to get back to the hospital.
As I walked into Ashli's hospital room, I was greeted by my parents.

"Hey, Joey. Where were you", asked my mom.
"I was in court. Daniel was sentenced to death row."
"Now he won't hurt you or Ashli."
"How long have you been here?"
"Twenty minutes", Dad replied. I nodded. I sat down, and we began to talk.
Two Hours Later...

I was in Ashli's room, holding her hand. She was still in a coma.

"Ash, I don't know if you can hear me, but I have some really great news for you. Today, I went to court, and Daniel was sent to jail. Now, he's on death row", I said, tears forming in my eyes. I moved my body and put my head on her arm. Tears fell from my eyes onto Ashli's arm.

"He won't be able to hurt you any more", I said, crying, not looking up. There was a pause before I heard something, a faint whisper.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

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