21 - Ashli

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A Few Weeks Later...
(A.K.A. The Wedding Day)

Today was the big day. I'd gotten my makeup done and my hair done. I slipped into my dress and zipped it. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked... Good. My hair was no longer blonde - I removed the blonde hair dye.

"Are you ready, Nicole", my dad asked outside.
"Yes, Daddy." I walked out of the room I was in and into the hallway.

"You're beautiful", my dad said, tears forming in his eyes.
"Don't cry", I said, wrapping my arms around my father.
"I'm not." I laughed and pulled away and took a deep breath. Today was the biggest day of my life. My dad took my hand and led me outside. The moon hung above us.

"More than ever", I replied.
A Few Hours Later...

Joey and I were on our way home before we went on our honeymoon.

"Where are we going again", I asked.
"A cabin out in the woods", Joey replied with a smile.
"It'll be quiet out there, just by ourselves", I said.
"Yeah, it will."
"But it will be fun." Joey parked the car and we stepped out. I followed him inside and into our room.

"How long are we staying", I asked.
"Uh... Five days." I nodded, packing my bags. We were done in ten minutes. Once we were back outside, we were putting everything into our car.

"Are you ready", Joey asked.
"Yes. Yes, I am."
At The Cabin...

"It's really spacious", I said, taking my shoes off.
"It is."
"Which room is ours?"
"Go up that small stairway, and it's on the right", Joey replied.
"Okay", I said. I walked up and into our room. I placed my suitcase on the floor and walked back downstairs. Joey was sitting down, watching TV.

"I'm tired", I yawned.
"Okay." Joey turned the TV off and followed me into our room. I sat down on the bed.

"Something doesn't feel right", I said.
"What is it?"
"I mean, aren't we supposed to... Do something after we get married?"
"Not necessarily", Joey replied.
"Well, do you want to do something", I asked.
"I'll leave you to decide that. It does - yet it doesn't - matter if we do it right now. There will be many more times when we can do something."
"What if I wanted to do it?" Joey looked at me. He sat down in front of me and held my hand.

"Ashli, if you want to do that, then we can. And I promise that I won't hurt you. Do you trust me?"
"Yes, I do, Joey. But-". I sighed.
"What is it?"
"What if I feel any pain? Or what if I start thinking about what happened in the past?"
"Then we can stop. Are you sure that you want to do this", Joey asked. I nodded. Joey stood up, pulling me up with him. He leaned down a kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him, kissing back. It's now or never, I thought as Joey pulled my wedding dress off of me.

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