Romantic cricket

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"Abey yaar! Run!" Advait cries as him and his male friends all play cricket in the back garden as usual, at his birthday party.

Natasha claps as Shubman's team ends up winning the little 5 over match.

"Ayyy!" She cries, attracting Shubman's smile. He kisses his bat and blows a kiss towards her, making her blush.

"Nat, come and join us na!" Advait pulls me in with his friends.

"Arey, Advait no - I can't play. I seriously suck dude n-"

I give all his friends a helpless smile while they all grin. I see Shubman standing with one foot crossed over the other while he leans against his bat prodding into the ground. He smirks as he sees me pick up a bat.

"Is this a bat or a rock?" I mumble to myself, as I underestimated its weight.

"Why don't we help her out?" Shubman laughs.


My foot is slightly better now, thanks to Hardik's team of doctors that gave me some amazing medication. Although I said I would let it get better on its own he was adamant and called home a physician.

I lean over the balcony to see the kids all playing cricket with each other.

"Looks fun." Hardik looks down at the children too as he speaks, positioning himself next to me. I wonder if he remembers the time at Tara's wedding when all the girls and boys played cricket together. We watch the kids silently, and laugh when they laugh.

"Which team are you on?" Hardik asks me.

"Obviously my son and my daughter's."

"I'm on captain Shubman's. YESSS! Advait's wicket is taken." Hardik claps as his team get a point.

"Hehehe." I roll my eyes sarcastically. "Oh look! Natasha's batting!" I exclaim enthusiastically. "COME ON NATASHA!"

"Calm down, people are watching." Hardik clutches my hand. I give him a careless glance before wriggling my hand out of his.

"Don't touch me." I fold my arms across my chest and smile upon seeing Natasha bat. I had stopped her from playing cricket or else she could have been just as talented as these boys and girls playing out here today. I sigh as I see her struggling to hit the ball.


Just as I am about to throw the bat away in frustration, I feel a pair of arms wrap across mine. The same scent; the same warmth; Shubman.

My lips fall apart slightly as I feel his chest against my back. For the first time, his face is so close to mine. We look at each other for a second with a smile before he positions my hands correctly on the bat. He bats with me as some dude bowls towards me.

"YAYYY!" Everyone claps as Shubman and I break apart, although if it were up to me I'd let him bat with me on every single ball.

"You're welcome." He whispers before letting go of me. He runs a hand through his hair as I blush. I see Advait winking at me from the back and I roll my eyes with an embarrassed smile.


Did I actually just see that happening? Wait what?

My smile turns into a highly amused look and I'm sure Hardik feels the same. Hardik's mouth is dropping open beside me as we exchange glances.

"I -" he begins, but trails off as he breaks into a laugh.

I remember when Hardik did exactly the same thing to me at the wedding, 20 years ago. And this guy is doing the same to my daughter.

"Hardik, look at them."

"I know." He says, barely above a whisper. "But they're just friends. We loved each other."

Me and Hardik look at each other suspiciously and break into a laugh riot.


I see Natasha standing with some friends, her back facing me, and I go up to her, slipping a hand across her waist.

She jumps out her trance as she feels my fingers against her skin, due to the open parts in her dress. "Oh hey." She says, grinning at me.

"This is..." She begins, pointing towards me.

"Of course we know, Shubman the MAN." The people interrupt as they all say hi to me and engage in a conversation, but I'm not into all this at all. I just want to spend some time with Natasha; alone.

While they are all talking and laughing, I tickle her back as she begins wriggling.

"Shubman stop it!" She looks like she's laughing along with the friends however I smile at her cute reaction.

"Then meet me upstairs. Balcony." I whisper in her ear. I tickle her slowly one last time before leaving her, causing a huge gleam to appear on her face.

"Guys, excuse me for a second." Natasha slips out of the group. She shakes her head at Shubman's desperation to get out the conversation as she sips her drink. Suddenly, she feels like she's on a roller coaster. Her head starts spinning and all of a sudden she feels like she has no control over herself.............


I'm leaning over the balcony railing, with a steady smile across my face as I observe the people downstairs in the garden. Suddenly, I hear the door behind me freak open, making me turn around slowly.

"Ah, you're here finally." I say to Natasha, walking up to her. My smile lessens and I furrow my eyebrows as I notice she isn't herself.

Her hair is undone and she has a VERY naughty smirk across her face.

A Hardik Pandya/Shubman Gill Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now