Suhana is jealous

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"Does Suhana know we're getting married?"

"I don't even want to think about her right now." Shub whispers and sighs as he continues kissing my neck. I giggle at how ticklish he is.

"Stop you're tickling me way too much!" I snort, immediately covering my mouth with my hand as I burst into laughter, pushing an uncontrollable, laughing Shubman off me.

"But seriously though. I can't wait to see her reaction." I smile.

"You are so engrossed with her. Stop."

"That bitch deserves this shock."

"Didn't I just tell you to stop?" Shubman says firmly.

"Oh oKaY, hold the phone. You better stop your commands - ring remove kar sakti hoon." I raise an eyebrow as he rolls his eyes. I knew he was right though. I needed to stop thinking about her so much. My life shouldn't be revolving around her.

"Guys guys guys! My buddies." Abhi comes between us and hugs us. "Congoooo!"

"Thank you." I smile politely while he does a proper boy to boy handshake/fistbump thingamabob with Shubman.

"Hi guys. Shoob! I'm so shocked that you're getting married!!! Congrats babes."

Just the person who I was waiting for....

I roll my eyes as Suhana hugs him tightly.

Karlo beta karlo, this is probably your last hug with him in your life

I snarl to myself evilly.

"Thanks." He says.

"Hope you won't forget me after you get married!" She winks.

"Of course not. Natasha's not going to let me forget." Shubman widens his eyes with laughter.

"Hmm of course." Suhana laughs hesitantly. "Anyways, I'll see you later." She turns to me and gives me a cruel look.


2 hours had gone by, and all of us were just chilling on the beach. It was our last day in Maldives as the wedding had finished and we were heading back home tomorrow morning. As much as I'd miss this awesome place, I'd be taking back a whole sack of beautiful memories - the wedding, meeting Alisha again, the proposal - reconciling with dad.... everything felt so surreal - just until that stupid Suhana's voice broke my daydream.

"Guys! Hello!" She says, waving her hands at everyone. First of all, her spine chilling provocative shorts made me almost die a little. Imagine if my mum had seen me wearing those - I don't think I'd have a house to return to.

"So we have a wedding to plan for, and it's not any old scruffy wedding - it's my special friend, Shubman's." She says, completely ignoring me as if I'm not the one getting married to him. I roll my eyes secretly.

"So?" Sara says. "Any plans?"

"Yeah - why don't we have a pre-wedding festivities party type of thing?" She asks excitedly. None of us reciprocate.

"We were gonna have that anyway though." Sara asks confused. "What's different in that?"

"No! Like - just us girls."

"Hmm.... not a bad idea. Like a bachelorettes' party?" Sara smiles.

"The guys are gonna have their own bachelor's, so I was thinking if we have a little get to gather at the club or-"

"Oh my gosh! We're going clubbing?! No way. Mum's not going to let me." I say quickly, knowing that Suhana's ideas are super dumb.

"Oh come on. Don't be such a party poop."

Excuse me, what?

"Um... it's my wedding. So I think I have a say as to-"

"If you can't afford it then don't worry. We'll cover for it." Suhana says hurtfully, covering it up with a mean laugh.

"It's not a financial matter. I just don't like the idea and I don't think I owe you an explanation." I stand up slamming both my hands on the table in front of us, shaking the cocktails in our glasses. The awkward silence is slightly lessened by the clinking of the ice as it swirls around in the cocktails.

Suhana looks like someone's slapped her across the face. I don't care. I'm not apologizing.

I storm off as Sara catches up to me.

"Hey! What's wrong with you?"

"Oh, so even you think there's something wrong with me?"

"Dude if you don't want the party then just say so. That was so rude!"

"Look Sara, I appreciate that she's a big person and all, but I'm not some little thing she can toy around with. I don't want to be pushed into all this clubbing and stuff. Okay?" I fold my arms and I relax slightly as I see Shubman walking towards me with some friends. He's deeply engrossed in a conversation with them.

"Hey." He says, stroking my waist as he pulls me closer to him when I approach him. I try to smile although the conversation with Suhana angers me so much.

"Why are you so warm?" He asks, tickling me slightly.

"It's that stupid stuck up Suhana."

"Oh my god, what now?" He laughs.

"She wants to go clubbing. Pre-wedding party." I say sarcastically, tossing Shubman a towel to wipe his sea-water drenched hair.

He catches it and raises his eyebrows, giving me an disapproving look. "You and clubbing? That's like bringing 2 north poles together."

"That's right! And I'm proud of it." I say, flicking my hair.

"I bet you could never go clubbing." Shubman continues.

I shoot him a look. Why on earth does he think that?

"I could if I wanted to." I say quietly.

"I don't believe you."

"Bet?" I say.

"Seriously?" His mouth drops.

"You bet. And that too wearing an LBD." I say with a friendly snarl.

"Jesus, someone explain this transformation!" Shubman chuckles. "You thot."


"You can't go back on your word now. You have to send me pics when you go clubbing." He winks.

"Oh I will." I wink back.

So this is it. Perhaps I'll accept Suhana's clubbing party offer now.....

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