The Crash

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"Excuse me." Suhana clicks her two fingers to attract the bar tender's attention. We are at the club back in India - after a lot of convincing mum to let me go to a club. I mean - I was 21 now. Dad had to help with the persuading quite a bit.

We all were swaying our hands in the air, under the effect of the alcohol. I didn't really drink anything - I couldn't even finish my first glass while Sara and Suhana were going for it.

It had been 2 hours and I was starting to feel slightly sleepy. I should probably go home.

"Guys. I'm gonna go."

"No way! It's only been - t...two hours" Sara says slightly drunk.

"Don't be such a pppp....aaartttyyyy poooooper." Suhana adds, and I scowl. She was the most drunk out of all of us.

"Nah, I'm tired." I say firmly.

"Urghhhh. Fine. Let's go." Suhana, Sara and I walk out of the club and enter the pitch black area of the empty roads surrounding us, only the distant honking of the traffic heard.

"Why don't I drop you?" Suhana says with a slur.

"No, I'll just wait for dad's driver. He told me to call him when I was done so-"

"Honey it's okay. I have like 6 drivers. One of them must be hanging around here somewhere."

That's a bit rude. Anyways.

"Get in, get in." Suhana motions me and Sara. I get in reluctantly, sitting at the back while Suhana and Sara sit at the front.

"You look very drunk. You shouldn't be driving." I ask worriedly as I see her glaring her eyes wide open at the road.

"Trust me, I've done it before." She laughs.


I look back to see Sara already passed out at the back. Yikes. The effects of alcohol....

"Why don't we-"

"I CANT GET ENOUGHHHHH-" Suhana blasts Selena Gomez on the radio and I literally cover my ears due to the abominable noise.

"Turn it down!"

She ignores me and continues.


Suddenly, I turn to my left to see a pair of flashing lights approaching me at the speed of light - flashing - flashing - a loud screech is the last thing I hear before there's a scraping sensation and pitch black.







Hardik and I strolled around in his garden as I was at his house for dinner. Natasha never had left me for this much time ever, on a Saturday evening and so he invited me over for dinner to make me feel accompanied. We walked over the outdoor dining table.

Hardik and I rarely talked about the past; we certainly hadn't forgotten it but we had moved on. I guess it was the realization that it's too late to sort anything out or to hear what each of us has to say.

"You're serving me pot noodles?" I look at him with blatant disregard and burst into laughter as he joins me on the table, in front of me. The lights are dim and the only vibrant thing is the bright red rose kept between us.

"That's the only thing I had in the kitchen..." he says quietly, trying to contain his cheeky smile.

"You have all these multi-cuisine chefs and you give me pot noodles?" I shake my head with laughter.

"Shhh It's 11pm. I don't want to wake them up!" He whispers

"When did you start caring for your domestic workers? Ever since I remember you were always complaining about them not ironing your clothes perfectly or screaming at them for putting an extra gram of spinach in your soup?"

"Things changed. After we-" he trails off.

We both break eye contact and shuffle slightly in our seats. Whatever this phase was, it was confusing. I can't help but to admit his eyes full of passion still ignite the same sensation in me as to when I first met him all these years ago. I haven't been able to forget him, the way he makes me feel. I can't stop hating myself for it.

I never voiced this, but somewhere - perhaps - I still love him. I love Hardik.

I could feel him looking at me continuously and I hated it right now. It made me feel self conscious and self conflicted.

"Please don't tell me you're being that shy little girl I first met who wouldn't make eye contact with me to save her life." Hardik shakes his head, making me smile again.

"I wasn't that shy." I say, getting up, him following suit.

Hardik places an arm around my waist and I gasp and jump back, almost tripping on the upturned stones in the hard concrete, but he grabs hold of me even tighter, as I feel my back resting against his strong arms. I clutch onto his shirt tightly and still strive to breathe out of shock.

"I love you. Please come back." Hardik says huskily, almost desperately - with a sense of urgency that makes me want to give in immediately.

"I - I love you too." I say trying to be normal - but this was way too romantic to normalize.

Before any of us can determine what is happening, I find our faces drawing an inch closer with every breath; with every beat; with every move - our lips get closer. I feel my hands slipping around his back, stroking him.

Our mouths are just about to intertwine when -


We break apart almost instantly, and share an awkward eye lock before I straighten my sari and pick up the telephone.

"Hello?" I ask, wondering who it could be at this time of night.

After a few seconds of hearing an unknown voice, the phone slips out of my hand and crashes to the ground with a THUD.

"Amara?!" Hardik rushes over to me.

I collapse onto the floor.

A Hardik Pandya/Shubman Gill Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now