Chapter 18: Ava

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Narrator POV

The dawn of morning came. It was cloudy outside but no rain. The shack was dark and peaceful. Leon fell asleep upside down and had drool dripping from his mouth. Marie was dreaming about the day Callie would return. Cap'n Cuttlefish in his sleep muttered

Cap'n Cuttlefish: You darn octarians! Get off my property!

Ava was asleep in Leons room. Her tentacles wrapped around her face and her arms and legs were sprawled all over the bed. Out the window in the room came in the suns rays through the clouds and nuzzled Ava's nose. It tickled a lot and caused her to sneeze, waking her up. She slowly opened her eyes and sat up criss cross. She then looked around and remembered she was in Leons room


Ava: Oh yeah! Leon! Wake up---

She moved the blanket to see no Leon.  She scratched her head in confusion. Where was he? She slowly got out of bed. Her tentacles were a bit messy but not to different. She was in her skirt still but had a normal T shirt on. She tripped over his gear he left on the floor causing a yelp.


Ava yelped loudly. Ava's shreek caused Liz out of defence, wake up instantly.

Liz: Ava! Why is she screaming?...LEON!!!

Liz got out of bed fast and zoomed down the hall to Leons room and kicked through the door. Liz saw Ava on the floor holding her foot. She seemed Ok, she was just shocked to see Liz in there so quickly.

Liz: Eight! Are you Ok?! Wheres Leon!!  She said pounding her fists.

Ava: Four isnt in here silly! Ava said smiling.

Liz looked up at the bed. Ava was right, Leon wasn't there. Why? Where was he? All that mattered was Ava was safe and Leon can be trusted. Liz sighed in relief and looked down at Ava, putting a hand out to her to help her up

Liz: Why did you scream? You had me worried

Ava: Oh! I stubbed my toe.

Liz: You alright? You yelped loudly.

Ava: Yeah! She gave Liz a big smile to reassure her. Liz smiled back. She was happy Ava was safe but she was also happy becuase she could give Leon his little reward...

Liz: (Guess Leon isn't all that bad after all! I'll still make him see stars however...hehe) She blushed at her own thought.

Liz and Ava were the only two awake. They walked out into the main room. Quietly, Ava walked over to Leon and sat on the ground. Liz sat across from them and gave Ava an idea.

Liz: Why did Leon sleep on this lumpy couch?

Ava: Im not sure, but he gave me his whole bed! It was nice of him

Liz: Heh, yeah,hey eight...I have an idea... *evil grin*

Ava: What is it three?

Liz whispered into Avas ear about her plan. Ava giggled and nodded and slowly approached Leons ear with Liz's cellphone.

Ava: 3...2...1...

The cellphone played a military wake up call so loud, Leon instantly jumped up and saluted

Leon: Up and early Cap'n!! Ready for actio---

He looked down to see Liz smirking and Ava laughing hard. Leon rubbed his groggy eyes and spoke

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