Chapter 26: Low Life to New Life

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Narrator POV

Skarlet was face to face with Leon. Marie and Ava were behind Leon watching. Leon wasn't very happy to see his rival come back not only near his base, but she had explaning to do. Skarlet just looked at him with worry in her eyes. Leon turned to the girls behind him and spoke;

Leon: You two can leave if you want, Skarlets not going anywhere till I get answers... He gritted his teeth at her.

Marie: Are sure you can be with her?....Alone? Marie has slight jealously.

Leon nodded as he was still staring at Skarlet. Ava ran up to Leon and hugged him from the back.

Ava: I'll be with Marie too!

Leon patted Ava's head and she left with Marie back to the shack. It was just Leon and Skarlet.

Leon: Why?

Skarlet: Why what?

Leon: Why are you here?

Skarlet: To see you of course! She tried to hug him but he pushed her off.

Leon: Save it! Why are you really here!

Skarlet just looked down and rubbed her arm. Leon sighed.

Leon: If your not here to kill me, then lets have a walk and talk

Skarlet slowly looked at him then nodded. The two began to walk laps around a small openeing with some cherry blossom trees. Skarlet enjoyed the area very much. She was always stuck underground and could never see such beauty. Leon took her to a bench near some flowers. Leon noticed Skarlet was in awe at the place. Leon began to talk.

Leon: You like it?

Skarlet: Its...nice...

Leon: Yeah me and Marie always come here to relax and sometimes cuddle... He blushed a bit.

Skarlets ears perked up at what he said. She turned to him.

Skarlet: You and the grey one are a couple, aren't you?

Leon: Shes my everything...Why do ya ask?

Skarlet looked away blushing.

Skarlet: No reason...

Leon just shrugged and watched the water fall in front of them. Skarlet watched too and got up to pick some flowers. She brought them to Leon.

Skarlet: Look, I picked the green ones just like you!

Leon took them and threw them behind himself.

Skarlet: What the hell?!

Leon was silent.

Skarlet sat back down, rubbing her arm again. She scooted closer to Leon.

Skarlet: The water fall looks nice huh?

Leon: Yes it does... He kept an eye on her.

Leon thought she was acting super weird! He couldn't wait for her any longer.

Leon: Why are you here

Skarlet: Becuase I missed you

Leon: Why are you here?

Skarlet: *sniff* Becuase I like it here...

Leon: Why are you here?!

Skarlet: I...I...

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