Chapter 36: Upgrade

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Leon POV

Skarlet: Follow me and I'll show you...

Leon and the other agents grew confused.

Leon: Ok first of all, your a little close. Second, why should we follow you? Your holding a weapon of mass destruction!

Marie: Skarlet, what are you doing now?

Skarlet scoffed and backed away from Leon. She put the hot ink canister on a shelf and crossed her arms.

Skarlet: Its about this ink...

Liz: What is it anyway?

Liz got close and tried to touch it but her hand was swatted immediately.

Skarlet: This is no toy, squid!

Liz: What? It looks like regular ink...

Skarlet: This ain't splatting ink...

Liz looked at Ava and gave her a confused look. Ava shrugged.

Ava: Skarlet, Im pretty sure thats just some ink

Skarlet's eye twitched.

Skarlet: Im telling the truth!

Liz: I don't know...You used to be evil...

Leon stepped in and grabbed the mysterious ink.

Leon: Shes right agents. This is not normal ink...

The canister glowed brightly in his hands. Marie still sitting on her bed, was gazing at it too.

Ava: Woah. Its so shinnny...  She was mesmerized.

Liz: If its not ink, then what the shell is it?

Skarlet grabbed Leon from behind.

Skarlet: I'll tell you everything about it. Just come with me

She began to drag Leon but he stopped her by jamming his foot by the door. Skarlet turned and looked at him.

Skarlet: Whats wrong handsome?

Leon: I'll catch up with you three in a sec, I need to ask Marie something...  He lied.

Skarlet scoffed and let him go. He gave her the hot ink and walked back into Marie's room. Liz and Ava walked past him and joined Skarlet. He then turned to them one last time.

Leon: Where are we meeting for your little instruction, Skarlet?

Skarlet: Basement of the HQ. The Cap'n is down there waiting for us

Leon nodded and thought;

Leon: (Basement? Since when did we have a basement? Marie never showed me...)

He snapped out of thought as he felt a tug on his arms sleeve. It was Ava.

Ava: Leon, do you think maybe I could get a piggyback ride there?  Her eyes were sparkly.

Leon patted her head and said;

Leon: I'll be here with Marie for a sec, Im sorry...

Ava grew sad as she liked having Leon around, especially for group meetings. She nodded and walked back to Liz and Skarlet.

Liz: Yo Leon! Were leavin'!

Leon: Roger that! Be there in 10!

Skarlet: Oh and Leon...

Splatoon: Love and War (Marie X Agent 4 [Male]) Book 1 *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now