Chapter 67: From the Shadows

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Leon POV

Leon: ...

Leon: ...

Leon: ...

Leon: Ugh....

Our green hero was lying face down on the rock hard ground. He felt himself slowly waken as his vision was very blurry. His head rose up and he looked around whilst getting a grip on the ground and slowly standing up. Dizziness met with him during his awaken...

Leon: Arrrg...What the shell happend

The boy looked around at his surroundings. It was nothing but darkness...No lights...No sounds...Just wind, dirt, and a long narrow path before him.

Leon: This must be an octarian realm... Marie talked about these a lot---Wait a second, Marie!!

Where was she?! He frantically looked around and to his demise, she was no where.

Leon: MARIE!! ....MARIE!! He shouted.

His boots echoed to his frantic running. He stopped for breath and was angry now.

Leon: ....I have to find her... Ah geez but where do I start

He rubbed his dirty face and blinked. Next to him was his charger MKII just lying on the ground. Seemed odd.

Leon: Can't leave home without this, heh

He picked it up and held it firmly. Unfortunately, his hero shot was no where to be seen. Shame.

Leon: Ok...I hope shes near...

The path ahead was his only choice. So he slowly walked forward down this odd path.


Leon: Whos there?!

He spun around and saw nothing... The atmosphere was completely dark and very vacant it seemed.

Leon: Hmph

He continued forward. The giggling came back however.


Leon: ...

Leon ignored the girly laughs while on his search for Marie.

Leon: Marie? He called out.

Still no responce. The hero was starting to get very worried. What if she was squidnapped as well? What if she was in a different sector? What if she d---...No...Don't think like that. Leon shook his head and pushed forward. With charger in hand, he came across a square shaped red button resting on a floating block platform. His first intentions was to shoot it which he did. The button turned green and beeped loudly. Suddenly the ground shook and a rock formed door began to slowly open.

Leon: Well that worked...I hope Marie is on the other side of this door...

He stood patiently for the door to open slowly. The sweat and slight blood on his body gleamed. His emerald eyes spoke more then his brain. His body said to stop but his soul said to keep going. Half way open now, he cracked his neck and knuckles. The splat knife Cap'n Cuttlefish gave him rested on his belt. The door was nearly open, Leon breathed heavily as well as sigh calmly. Finally, the door to his fate...Was finally opened. He stepped through with confidence.....

The room he entered was quite large. A stair case that lead up to a cliff side where the night sky shined down, Leon took the hint and began to walk up the stairs...

Leon: Ok Leon...She must be up here---GWAHHHHH!!

The stairs was a trap! They flipped down and he slid all the back down onto the rocky platform!

Splatoon: Love and War (Marie X Agent 4 [Male]) Book 1 *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now