Chapter 50: In The Burning Heart

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Cap'n Cuttlefish POV

The next day has rised. The Cap'n and his two granddaughters were in his little reading room at the HQ. He rocked slowly in his chair, reading more on the myths he found yesterday. He really wanted more unanswered questions on Vulkan... Marie was just staring at the one window thinking about Leon and their night together. Callie, being her cute self, was humming a song while stacking left out books. It was rather cold out in the canyon, so the fireplace had a nice warm fire going. The Cap'n scratched his beard and said;

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Wheres me bucko? Isn't he awake yet?

Marie slowly turned around.

Marie: Poor thing was tired... I let him sleep a little longer. She said as she smiled.

Callie: Finished with the books! *jumps lightly*

The Cap'n adjusted his book and sniffed a little.

Marie: Whatcha reading gramps?

He didn't respond. His eyes like blades to the words in the book.

Callie: Hey gramps! Why are we here again?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Hmmm... 

Marie: Grandpa?

He stood up with a wide eyed look.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Girls, come see this...

The two idols approached him and looked at the book page from his shoulders.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: This man...  He said while pointing at a picture.

Marie: Who is that?

Callie was silent.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: This man could possibly be who Leon's after...Vulkan

Marie took a closer look.

Marie: No way. That guy looks way too young to be that monstrous man

Callie: ...

Callie whimpered at the sight of the image. Marie looked over at her with a worried face.

Marie: You Ok Cal?

Callie: Yeah its just...Im starting to remember him

She held her forehead while grunting.

Callie: I don't think thats him though...Vulkan is much taller and bulky

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Hmmm oh!!

He grabbed Marie.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Marie! That myth about the hypno shades...I told you this story right?

Marie: As a bed time story when I was younger, why?

He spun the book around and showed Marie more pictures.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: I have fought many battles, never have I seen such machinery from an octarian

Callie peeped over and saw many images of contraptions in the book. Right there in the center of the book was those damn shades...

Callie: Marie look!

Marie was just as shocked as her cousin.

Marie: I told Leon about those shades being buried...Callie, you wore those exact shades!

Cap'n Cuttlefish: That must mean...

Callie: Vulkan created them!! Just like the myth says!

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