Chapter 34: The Ink that Kills

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Narrator POV

It was dark and stormy the next morning. The shack was dark and quiet as usual. Liz and Ava were both snoring away still. Cap'n Cuttlefish was passed out in his work chair with a pen stuck to his face. Leon and Marie's room was locked due to a certain red octoling snooping in their stuff. Speaking of red octoling...Where is Skarlet?

Skarlet POV

Skarlet was sitting at a table in the HQ's main lobby. She had a tired and groggy look to her yellow eyes. She had woken up pretty early to the same nightmares and visions Leon and Marie would get.


Lightning lit up the sky as dark storm clouds also filled the sky. Rain came down hard and you could hear it hit windows where Skarlet was. To her, it was rather peaceful. She rested her head back and and rubbed her face, she then put her legs up on the table to relax. However, she had something glowing her hand...

Skarlet: Your not very easy to hide...

She plopped a canister of ink on the table. This was no ordinary splat ink...It glowed a bright green and emitted some type of power from it.

Skarlet: Can't believe Callie went as far as making this carp...Crazy bastard

The ink was the secret weapon that powered the giant cannon back at octobase. Skarlet still felt the burn from this killer ink that melted her cheek off...Or so it felt...Callie also shot poor Ava with this monstrosity. Even the canister it was kept in was warm to the touch. Skarlet had been given this as a sample to test it on REAL soldiers to see the effects...

Skarlet: Even when I was part of the octoling army...I still wouldn't shoot my own troops with this stuff


Thunder roared.

Skarlet: I have to get rid of this stuff! Its been hiding too long...Hope no one sees me...

Skarlet grabbed the glowing ink canister and stood up. She was wearing the leather jacket Leon bought her. She flipped her hoodie on completely over her head so she could stay hidden. She walked up to the double doors that was the entrance to the HQ. She zipped her jacket up tight and pulled the strings to her hood. She tightened her long gloves and tied her boots. She hid the canister of hot ink into her hoodie pockets. She was ready. Slowly she opened the doors and was immediately embraced by rain water. She walked down the stairs and began to jog far from the HQ and near the exit of octocanyon...


Marie: Its really pouring out there this morning!

Leon: Not as much as you last night~ ;)

Leon and Marie were getting their clothes back on. Leon finished buckling his pants while Marie finished zipping her dress back on. She walked over and hugged Leon.

Marie: Thanks again for the date, It'll be a night to remember~

Leon: Agreed, you were pretty good for a virgin...Heh

Marie: I couldn't help myself. You were just...Epic~

Leon chuckled.

Leon: Cmon, lets head home. I'll make us and the other agents pancakes for breakfast

Marie loved the sound of that. They got their things together and headed out the door of the hotel room. Leon was falling behind because his shoes weren't on right. Marie walked ahead then noticed he was behind her. She had a sly idea, she dropped the keys to the room purposely.

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