Chapter 38: Sector 4

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Leon POV


The three agents jumped out of the kettle. Liz seemed dizzy while Ava and Leon looked around quick.

Liz: *groan* Ughh, I haven't done that in a while...

Leon: Well, were here now...And its quiet...

Ava: Too quiet...


Leon's radio buzzed loudly.

Leon: *Beep* This is agent 4

Marie: *Krzzt* Leon? Can you hear me?

Leon: Loud and clear

Marie: Alright, I have something to tell you three

Liz and Ava stepped closer to Leon's radio.

Marie: Since I can't contact all three of you at once, me, the Cap'n and Skarlet will call you separately. Liz, the Cap'n will contact you

Liz: Just like old times back in OctoValley...

Marie: Ava, Skarlet will keep in touch with you

Ava: Okie dokie!

Marie: And Leon~

Leon: Yeah~

Marie: I'll keep you zoomed in at all times~

Leon: At all times huh? 

He began to flex his arm, his muscles were toned. Leon smirked but heard a thud on the other line of his radio.

Leon: You like this Marie?....Marie?....Hello?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Ahoy me bucko! She'll get back to you in a sec! Marie! Stand back up! Your bleeding out of your nose! You Ok?

Leon heard the Cap'n talk to Marie. Leon chuckled and put his radio away. He looked to his left to see Ava and Liz.

Leon: You guys read---What?

Liz: I swear you and Marie are like soulmates

Leon blushed slightly and held his sniper close.

Leon: She just might be...Heh

Liz rolled her eyes. Ava grabbed Liz's arm and jumped a little.

Ava: I think they're cute together!

Leon: See Liz? You should be like Ava, heh

Liz: Whatever, let's go

The three jumped down the starting tower and landed on a very long straight path, kinda sketchy...

Agents 3, 4, and 8 were walking down a straight path to the first area of contact. They made sure to walk nice and easy to not make any subtle noise while they had some time to think and plan before they jump right into battle. Leon, leading the group, walked a little ahead to make sure no spys were watching. The place was quiet, buildings surrounded them. The wind felt thick and had a creepy vibe all around.

Liz: This place gives me the creeps *shiver*

Leon looked around.

Leon: You can say that again. How can octos live like this?

Ava every now and then would growl and hiss at weird objects on the ground. They kept walking and stayed alert. They came to a left turn and walked down what seemed another long pathway.

Splatoon: Love and War (Marie X Agent 4 [Male]) Book 1 *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now