Chapter 70: Retribution

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Leon POV


Carp! Agent 4 was knocked off of the Flying Fortress!

Leon: AHHHH!

The drop was long! Wind pushed his tentacles forward and his hero jacket was flapping about!

Leon: ...


Leon was falling fast! He tried to breath and stay calm with the amount of wind filling his lungs. The base next to him was still crumbling after the cannon was finally destroyed. Our hero flipped himself to face the ground and looked over to his right to see the base before him.

Leon:*Pant* Damn...Pearl did a number *pant*

He fell longer, watching rocks and fire ashes fall with him. He dove his face downwards was now in a sky diving position. His cheeks jiggled as the wind grew harsher.

Leon: (I gotta find Vulkan...Must...Kill him!)

Thoughts and stress filled his brain. More rocks fell beside him faster than he was. Soon enough, Leon could see the ground! Great! One problem...


Leon had to think fast!

Leon: ...Huh?

He saw a small object attached to his belt.

Leon: Yes! Thank you Liz

It was a burst bomb! Leon held it firmly and waited patiently until the ground was more clear in view. Past the smoke cloud, he was now only a few feet in the air.

Leon: And....Now! Hyah!



He did it! Great thinking! The bomb bursted the ground below him which allowed him to turn squid from and dive right into it. Safe and sound~

Leon: Gah...Uff...Huff...

With that adrenaline rush, the green hero popped himself out of the ink and layed there on the dirt filled ground.

Leon: Everything that happens to me is life or death...Including Skarlet...*Groan*

He was staring up at the night sky. A mix of purple and pink clouds passed by. Off in the distance was a burning tower of doom, crumbling its way to the ground. You could see fire spreading in the purple water below it. Immediately, he thought of the others...And Marie.

Leon: Marie...I have to get back to her!

With a heart full of love, he stood up quick and began to run.

Leon: Huff! *Pant*

He ran like the wind.... Nothing could stop him!

???: Going somewhere, Agent 4?

His feet stopped like a car screeching.

Leon: ?! Who goes there??

Leon spun around fast. He looked left, then right....

Leon: Im not afraid of you!

???: You should be...

Leon: What the? GAH!!


Leon: ACK! Ugh...

The boy was thrown!

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