Chapter 49: Leon and Marie

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(Greetings! Just a heads up, this is another lemon chapter! Guess our couple can't keep there hands off each other ;) Anyhoo, as always there is very high sexual action and dirty talk. Read at your own risk. Plot only plays a role in the beginning and end for those who skip the rated R content, ENJOY!!)

Cap'n Cuttlefish POV

The old inkling was in his reading room. Being calm as he is, in his free time, he liked to read. This trait carried over to Marie as she loved books as much as her gramps. He slowly closed the door to the room and looked around with a sigh.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Ahh, Its been a while...

He saw an old, creaky rocking chair. His eyes beamed to see the many books stacked on shelves.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Hmm, this Vulkan Leon mentions...I wonder...

He scratched his beard and began to search in the biography genre.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: This one? Nope...Maybe that? Nope...

He threw books left and right until he found the big book of myths... The Cap'n grabbed it with his wrinkly fingers. He stared at the cover with a stern look.

"Mysterious beyond Myths"

That was what the title read. He blew it off of dust.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: He has to be in here...

He waddled over to his chair and plopped down. Before he opened it, he took the time to dust off an OLD picture of him and the squid sisters. The frame sat on a small table that supported a lamp. He chuckled when he examined it. The picture showed Callie and Marie as little inklings, so cute! The Cap'n was hugging them, even he looked younger.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Hohoho, those were the days...Now my oldest is with the bravest boy I ever laid me old eyes upon...

He set the picture down and went back to his purpose...Doing research on Vulkan...


The book was quite heavy as he held it in his lap. He flipped to the table of contents and began to search for a specific tale...

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Hm. The mythical urchin? No... The hooded kraken? Where have I heard that... Aha! *ahem* Page 666, "The man of mind control"

He flipped to the page where it said. His eyes wide as the pages felt cold and blank though it was full of words. He skimmed through and took every knowledge of what Leon told him a while back.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Leon's theory is that Vulkan created the shades that brainwashed Callie

He read a paragraph on the page that was labeled: "Shades of power".

Cap'n Cuttlefish: *ahem* Ok, what do we have here...

He licked his lips and began to read the article.

50 years ago, an octoling man who was known as "The man of mind control" walked the very shoars of our beaches. He escaped the underground depths where he breached the surface. No one knows how he did, but the questions didn't stop there... Inklings alike were disturbed by such a being. Not only was he an enemy octoling, he was very intelligent. Producing manufactures for grizzco, whenever he got the chance alone...People say he created devices and contraptions for his own use. His most famous work, the "Hypno Shades" would hypnotize the person wearing it. Upon recieving the shades the host would feel their veins pulse and stretch as power surged through the body and sent waves to the brain of hatred and disgust. Some say the shade's power was greater than the great zapfish. One day, this man wanted revenge on all inklings of Inkopolis! The reason is still unknown... The shades he developed were used on himself for power and strength! He created chaos around the city! However, when theres chaos, theres order! An inkling hero wearing green was sent to stop this menace. The hero had an epic clash with the octoling man and put him to an end. The hero buried the shades deep into a mysterious place known as Octocanyon. The evil man was never seen again as he was defeated by the hero and was locked deep into the canyon. To this day, inklings and octolings wonder what ever happend to the hero? Or the evil man? Like people say, its just a myth...

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