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Fabri showed up at the agency. Can saw him and told him to come to his office. Fabri followed Can. Once in the office, Can shut the door. Fabri innocently asked what happened last night. Can and Sanem disappeared from the party. Can said yes, I left. Fabri said he didn't see Sanem return to the party. He hoped everything was OK. Is she sick, he asked. Can told him Sanem did not like surprises. Fabri put her in a difficult position, so she went home. Fabri asked a difficult situation? Can said yes, a difficult situation. Sanem does not like it when people do things without her knowledge. He said Sanem did not like it, nor he did not like it. Can told Fabri he knew Sanem well, because he was her former fiance. Fabri told Can that Sanem was a beautiful woman and he only wanted to make a beautiful surprise. Can told Fabri there was a difference between surprise and confrontation. Fabri told Can the main thing was Sanem's happiness. He wanted Sanem to be very happy because she deserves it with such beauty. Can told Fabri he respected the fact that Sanem and him would be working together. Can admitted he did not like it, but he respected it. He told Fabri his attention towards Sanem was already beginning to bother him. Fabri asked haven't they broke up? Can said yes, recently. But he still did not like the fact that before his very eyes, he was bringing Sanem inconvenience. Fabri said he did not think he was causing her inconvenience. He just wanted Sanem to know he cared about her. Fabri asked Can why he felt the need to interfere. He said separated couples do not climb into each other's lives. Fabri said everyone talks to whomever they want, flirt with whomever they want, date whomever they want and have sex with whomever they want. Can glared at Fabri and told him to be attentive to his actions.

Sanem arrived at the agency, carrying the dress box. Everyone saw her coming. Cey Cey met her. Cey Cey said welcome. Sanem said she came to silence the gossip. Everyone said Bravo. Sanem saw Fabri leaving Can's office. Sanem said now watch. Let's see what it is to be a professional. She walked the hallway towards Can's office and met Fabri. Fabri stopped and said hello. He told her she left early yesterday and wanted to know if she was OK. Sanem said I am not OK. Fabri asked what she was carrying. Sanem told him it was his gift. She wanted to bring it to him today. Fabri asked why. Sanem told him she did not like such willfulness. Can was standing in the corner laughing at her reply. Fabri told her the more time he spends with her, the more he will recognize and be more careful of such things. He told her not to worry. She told him she wasn't worried, but he should be. Sanem told him it would be better if this conversation does not happen again. He said of course, the more we get to know each other....Sanem cut him off. She said we will get to know each other as much as the work requires, nothing more. Can laughed over that comment, as well. Sanem told him do not put her in anymore difficult situations. Fabri told her if he put her in a difficult position then he apologizes. Fabri bid her farewell.

Sanem told Cey Cey she would now turn her resignation into Mr. Can. She entered Leyla's office to find another piece of paper. She looked through Leyla's drawers and found the missing contract between Aylin and Emre. Leyla walked into her office just then. She saw what Sanem had in her hands. Leyla tried to explain. Sanem told Leyla she stole these papers from her because Mr. Emre asked her too. Leyla again tried to explain. Sanem told Leyla she no longer needed these papers and Leyla could keep her lying games to herself. She slapped the papers back at Leyla. She stormed out of Leyla's office and knocked on Can's door. Sanem entered, walked over to his desk and laid down a paper. Can asked what this was. Sanem said it is my application of dismissal. Can pushed it back at her and would not accept it. Sanem said she put it in writing to be professional. Can stood up and picked up the letter. He asked her if she was sure. Sanem said I am sure. He asked her if she was leaving then. Sanem said I am leaving now. She turned and headed for the door. Can asked why. Sanem turned around. She told Can she could no longer work for a boss who was so judgmental towards her, treats her like she was a nobody and would not allow her to explain herself. She added she did not want a boss who refuses to understand her or even try to understand. She would rather work at her father's grocery where the customers loved and respected her. Can said he didn't understand. Sanem said you don't understand because you won't even try to understand. She told him goodbye and walked out. Can watched her leave.

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