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It has been a year since Sanem has seen her husband, Can. A lot has happened in the year he was gone. She was hospitalized for 6 months. She found out about Yigit and Huma's deception. She published her first novel called "The Phoenix and the Albatross". She no longer lived with her parents in the quarter. She had her own home on Mihriban's farm. It was quiet and peaceful. She loved living there. Today, she was in Kayseri promoting her book. She was at a meet and greet with her fans. She was reading to them from her book. She imagined Can was sitting among her fans. It was just a hallucination, like always. She never got over her husband. She still loved him and yearned for him. She finally came to terms with him never returning. She stopped trying to call him 4 months after he left. He had never contacted her in the year he has been gone. She still did not know if he was alive or dead. She wished she knew one way or the other. When she finished her meet and greet, there was 4 hours left before her flight left. She walked around Kayseri. It began to rain. She lifted the hood on her jacket over her head and ran towards a theater to wait out the rain.

Unknown to Sanem, Can had docked is boat in Kayseri because he needed a part for his boat. Can also got caught in the rain. He ran for the theater to get out of the rain. He noticed a woman standing in front of him, paying for her theater ticket. She took the hood off of her head and lifted her long, dark hair out of her coat. Can smelled it then. That scent that has always haunted him. Her scent. He tried to peek at her face without her seeing him, but all he saw was her side profile. He knew immediately it was his wife. He backed up so she wouldn't see him. He wasn't sure how she would react. She got her ticket and headed into the theater. Can bought his ticket and followed her. He sat a few rows back so he could watch her without her knowing. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. He waited for someone to join her...a boyfriend maybe...but nobody came. The movie started.

Can listened to the sound of her laughter which brought a smile to his face. He never realized how much he missed her laughter. He watched her wipe her tears away while she continued watching the movie. It was to much for him. He wanted to be beside her, wiping her tears. His heart was breaking once again. He realized he never stopped loving his wife. He stood up to leave. The pain was to much for him. He stopped at the door, before exiting. He had to look at her one more time. Sanem felt someone watching her. She turned and looked towards the door, just as a shadow exited. She started breathing heavy with tears in her eyes. Was she hallucinating again? Was that Can? The guy looked disheveled with long hair. It could not be Can or could it?

Can left the theater and headed back to his boat. His Aunt Remide stopped him as he was pulling up the ramp. She asked where he was going. He asked how she found him. She said that is what private investigators were for. She told him to invite her on board for a cup of tea. Can told her he wasn't back to stay. He only stopped in Kayseri to get a part for his boat. Aunt Remide informed Can his father was back in Istanbul. Aunt Remide informed him of the agency going bankrupted and the employees were all gone. She told him of Emre selling the house to pay the agency debts. Can asked her about his dad, Emre, Deren and Cey Cey. Not once did he mention Sanem. She asked him why he did not ask about his wife. Can said when he left, he gave up that right. She asked him why he left. Can told her he turned into an awful person and just about killed a man. Aunt Remide said if he was talking about that Yigit fellow, he was alive and walking fine. She told Can his mother and Yigit deceived him. She also told him Emre ran both of them out of Istanbul. Can was in shock. He wondered if Sanem knew. Aunt Remide ask that Can visit his father before he sets sail again. His father needs to see him. Before Aunt Remide left the boat, she gave Can a present. It was a book from his favorite author.

Sanem left the movie theater and immediately called her friend, Deniz. She was going into another panic attack and needed someone to talk her down from it. She told Deniz she thought she saw Can in the movie theater. Deniz convinced her it was another hallucination. Sanem started talking about her three future children. It seemed to calm her down. Sanem dreamed of these children every night. Deniz asked if she was still taking her medication. Sanem said she was. Once Sanem was calm, she hung up and headed for the airport. She could not wait to get back to Istanbul.

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