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Sanem and Can headed to Sanem's house. Sanem could no get warm. She felt like her insides were frozen. She could not stop shivering. Can helped her out of the truck once they got to her house. Once inside, Can walked her to the shower. Sanem asked what they were doing here. Can told her he wanted her in the shower, so she could warm herself up. Sanem said OK. Can left her in the bathroom. Sanem stripped off her clothes and got into the very warm shower. She groaned out loud with how good it felt to be warm again. Can heard her groan and smiled. Can was going to kill his employees for this little stunt. They both could have froze to death. Just wait until he sees them. Can heard the shower turn off. He hollered through the door asking if she was OK. Sanem said she felt wonderful. She came out with a towel wrapped around her. Can stood there speechless. He had never seen Sanem with just a towel on. Sanem stared at him too. He pulled her to him. He asked if she was warm now. Sanem told him yes and it felt great. Can slowly lowered his head, just in case Sanem backed away, and kissed her. She kissed him back. Can ran his hands over her naked shoulders and back. Can started kissing and nibbling her neck. Sanem titled her head back to give him better access. Sanem moaned. Can stopped and pulled back. He told Sanem they needed to stop before things got out of hand. Sanem said good idea. She told him she would go get dressed and he could jump in the shower to get warm. Can mumbled under his breath that he needed a cold shower, not a hot one. Sanem smiled, because she heard him.

Once dressed, she came out into the living area. She heard the shower running, so she knew Can was still in there. She went to the kitchen to make them some tea. Once the tea was done, Can was in the living area waiting for her. She offered him a glass. Can told her thank you. They sat and drank their tea. Can asked her if she was ready to head back to the agency. Sanem told him yes. She had some very unkind words for their friends. They got in Can's truck and headed to the agency. Once they entered the agency, Can told Cey Cey, Deren, Emre, Leyla and Guliz into his office. Can and Sanem stood in front of them. Can told them to explain why they did such a foolish thing to him and Sanem. He told Deren she was the art director of his company, but not his and Sanem's lives. Can asked what does it mean to lock a person in a freezer. Cey Cey tried to explain and Can asked what right they had to interfere in a person's personal life. Cey Cey went crazy. He said he has been watching this love bloom for months. He sees everything because there are no doors or curtains anywhere. Cey Cey asked what should he have done. He was a man too! He has feelings and emotions! Cey Cey asked him where he was going without his knowledge and with Polen? He yelled and told Can he was going to the Balkans. The cold winds blow in the Balkans. Did he know that? Did he even follow the weather? Cey Cey told him he barely survived 5 minutes in a freezer. How would he live in the Balkans? Sanem was trying so hard not to laugh at Cey Cey. Cey Cey told Can in such cold, his finger will freeze in a bent angle and remain in the shape of a fork. Guliz and Deren grabbed Cey Cey to escort him out of Can's office. Cey Cey kept yelling he would not allow this love to be destroyed.

Once they were alone, Can and Sanem laughed so hard. Sanem told Can she thought Cey Cey has done lost his mind. Can hugged Sanem and told her their friends loved them. Sanem told him she knew. Sanem told Can she had an idea. They both wanted to find out what Huma, Polen and Yigit were up too. Can said yes. Sanem told Can she would not work in the publishing house, but she would agree to let Yigit help her with her book. It would be the only way to get close enough to figure out what they were up too. Can didn't like it. Sanem told him to trust her. She wasn't that innocent, naive girl he first met. Can told her he did trust her. Can agreed with the plan. He made her promise to not sign anything and to always keep him in the loop. She promised. He gave her a quick kiss and told her he loved her. She still could not say it back yet.

Sanem went to talk to Yigit. She called Can and told him to stay on the phone. She would keep it in her pocket. He said OK. She saw Yigit and told him she wanted to talk to him. Yigit was all smiles. He asked her if she finally accepted his job offer. Sanem told him no. She was staying at the agency. Yigit raised his voice and said that was a stupid decision. She would never get her book published staying at the agency. Sanem told him she felt it was not a stupid decision. She still wanted to publish her book and asked if he was still interested in helping her get it published. He said he didn't know. She would spend to many hours at the agency to even concentrate on her book. Sanem told him she has been doing both for ages now. Sanem told him that was fine. Can offered to find her a publisher. She started to walk away. Yigit grabbed her arm to stop her. Sanem raised her voice and told him to let go of her. Yigit said he wasn't done talking to her. Sanem told him if he wanted to talk, then let go of her. Can entered the publishing house. He saw Yigit with his hand on Sanem's arms. He asked what was going on. Yigit dropped his hand fast and said nothing. They were talking. Can said it did not look that way to him. He asked Sanem why she was not upstairs working. Sanem said she was headed that way now and left Can with Yigit. Can got in Yigit's face and told him if he ever put his hands on Sanem again, he would end him. He turned around and headed out of the publishing house.

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