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They left the photo shoot and headed back home. All of a sudden, Sanem told Can to stop the truck. He had no idea what was going on, so he pulled the truck off to the side of the road. He turned to her and asked what was wrong. Sanem had tears running down her face and she told him everything was wrong. She looked at her husband and told him this was not the way things were supposed to be between them. She loved him more than life itself and wanted to be married to him. She told him she was scared. She didn't know how to be a wife. She told him for goodness sake, she was married but still remained untouched. She told him she didn't know how to do this marriage thing. She was afraid he would end up leaving....leaving her behind. Sanem was sobbing by this time. Can pulled her closer to him. He told Sanem to look at him. Sanem looked at her husband. Can told her he loved her so very much and he wanted to stay married to her. All of his dreams were coming true. He was married to her....the lives were now joined. He told her he was scared too. This marriage thing was all new to him. He didn't know how to be a husband or even if he would be any good at it. He told her he was not leaving her unless she was with him. He told her everything was going crazy and he felt the need to run away. It was a habit of his, but he was not going anywhere. He kissed her gently and told her when she wanted her wedding night, he was ready. He just didn't want to rush her. Sanem said she was ready to be his wife in every way. Can smiled and said OK. They got back on the road and headed home. Can held her hand the whole way.

When they arrived home, Emre and Leyla were not there. Sanem took Can by the hand and led him to their bedroom. For the next few hours, Can made slow, passionate love to his wife. He knew he was her first, so he took his time with her. When they exited the bedroom a few hours later, Sanem's face was flushed, but she was wearing a bright smile. She couldn't believe that was making love. It was so beautiful. Can turned her to face him and asked if she was OK. Sanem told him she was wonderful. She asked him if it would always be like that. Can kissed her and told it would only get better. Sanem hugged her husband. She didn't want to let go of him. She looked up at him and told him she loved him, and she was glad they were married. Can kissed her again and told her he loved her, and he was also glad they were married. Can asked if she was hungry. Sanem told him she was famished. Can told her he would order some pizza. Sanem said OK. She went and sat on the couch in the living area. Can went and ordered some pizza. When he returned to the living area, he found Sanem writing frantically in her notebook. Can smiled because he knew the words were flowing through her mind and out on the paper. He stayed quiet while she wrote. He gently sat down beside her. After about 15 minutes, Sanem put her notebook down. She looked at Can and smiled. She told him the words were flowing out of her now. Can hugged her and told her making love must have knocked loose all the words in her head. Sanem giggled. She told Can they may have to do that more often. Can laughed and told her that was the plan. The pizza soon arrived, and they sat on the couch and fed each other pizza.

Emre and Leyla arrived a short time later. Can told them he ordered an extra pizza for them. They said thanks and headed to the kitchen for pizza. Sanem asked Can if they were still going through with their double wedding. Can told her just try and stop him. Sanem giggled and kissed him. Later that night, they were headed to the Aydin's for the traditional asking for their daughters' hands in marriage. Emre and Can needed somebody to speak for them, since their father was still abroad and neither wanted their mother there. Can suggested Deren. Can called her and asked her to speak for him and Emre. She said she would be honored. She told him she would meet them at the Aydin's. Can, Sanem, Emre and Leyla arrived at the Aydin's. The taxi pulled up and Deren got out. She gave everyone kisses and hugs. Deren asked if everyone was ready. They all said yes and headed inside. The traditional coffee was served. Deren spoke to Nihat and Mevkibe. She asked their permission for Can to take Sanem as his wife and Emre to take Leyla as his wife. Nihat seemed to be in a trance. Mevkibe nudged him and Nihat said yes, he gives his permission. The traditional rings tied with a red ribbon were used on Can and Sanem and then Emre and Leyla. Nihat cut the ribbon on Can and Sanem. He then cut the red ribbon on Emre and Leyla. Everyone hugged and kissed.

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