~6 A.M~

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[P.o.v ~ Izuku]

I awoke to the warm sun kissing my face through the unfamiliar silk drapes hanging from a large window. I gently rub the sleep out of my eyes and slowly begin to take in my surroundings. Ever so slightly shifting in the silk bed sheets.

'Where-Where am I?'

Was the first thought that flooded my mind. That was swiftly replaced by the overwhelming confusion I felt when I had realized I was laying between the arms of two undeniably handsome men. I sprang upwards and instantly regretted that decision when my head and lower half began throbbing in unison. My head must have been from the alcohol, my lower half however.......

"Oh god, W-what did I do last night......." I mumbled but clearly not quiet enough. The blond to my right begins to stir slightly but maintains a firm grip on my waist.

"Could you stop talking, you damn idiot it's too early for this shit. Just go back to sleep it's not even 6 A.M." He says in a deep sleepy voice with a hint of annoyance creeping in.

Before I could even apologize for waking him the second man with dual colored hair stirs awake. He states with a devilish smirk I knew all too well, "I think you're gonna need all the sleep you can get after the night we just had."

That's when the memories of last night came flooding back to me in an overwhelming Tsunami of Gay.

"Oh my Shit-"

24 Hours Earlier

It was hot, reeked of cheap perfume, and the body heat of a billion people. It was overwhelmingly loud, and the music could give even the most sober person a head splitting migraine. I hadn't eaten since twelve in the afternoon and this tie was choking the last bits of life I had left in me.

End my suffering.

I am currently sitting in a booth at this crazy fancy downtown club celebrating my birthday with all of my workmates. Yes that's right, your boy Izuku Midoriya actually lived to see 23 and was now triumphantly celebrating.

To all my classmates back at UA who said I wouldn't live to see 21.......

You owe me a 20.

All jokes aside I'm actually super tired from a long day's work and I would much rather spend my time at home. Just like every other loner that's ever existed. In my bed eating ramen till I spontaneously combust. Comfortably watching BNHA- I mean Netflix, till my brain melts. You know?

Don't get me wrong I'm honestly grateful I get to spend some time with my friends. If we're considering how hectic work has been.

I've been so busy nowadays I barely remember to eat. You can forget about my love life.

We don't know her.

"You know what's super weird Midoriya?" Shinso says while inching closer to me so I could hear him over the music. "What?" I reply back, staring up at him. He lets out a low laugh and points to Iida ordering everyone's drinks. "Iida was the one who recommended this place. I would've never thought this was his scenery." Shinso stated. I glanced over to Iida carrying the drinks over weaving his way through the crowd surrounding the bar as if this was second nature. "People can surprise you." I say with a smile.

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