~Q/A Part 1~

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Author: I'm planning on making the last episodes crazzzy long so while we wait for that.....

We could do a fun little Q and A!!

Here's how this will work.

I'll ask the characters random questions from scenes that took place throughout the story and they'll answer. Then You the audience will ask questions for either me or the characters and we'll answer!!

Just remember Any questions you guys ask will be answered in the next Q & A episode.

Is this my way of killing time instead of writing.....?

Noooo~ Hehe......

Of course not!!

Finally I must warn you that there's literally no fourth wall in this Q & A episode. Also this episode may contain spoilers if your not up to date.

With that being said let's get started!!!

The camera begins rolling and first thing we see is Bakugo, Midoriya, and Bean seated in a circle.

Bakugo sat slouching slightly and staring blankly at the empty chair next to him. Meanwhile Midoriya sat anxiously awaiting the questions. Letting his foot repeatedly tap the ground with the twiddle of his thumbs. Bean flips a page in her journal and clears her throat. She looks to each of the gentlemen before choosing her first victim.

Bean: Izu what kinds of questions are you open to receive from the fans?? The next episode we'll be answering there questions.

Izu: Any questions I guess!

Bean: Okayyyy interesting *grins like a maniac*

Bakugo: Do you really think Shoto is Daddy?!

Bean: Bakugo!! It's not your turn to be asking questions. As I explained above I'll ask questions then you guys answer them. Then after you three can ask me questions, then I'll answer them! Then the next episode all the questions the fans leave in this episode will be answered.

Bakugo: Wait aren't you the bitch that tried to kill me off??!

Izu: Woah wait, your right Kacchan!! What the actual fuck was that?! Do you not have a soul?!

Bean: Uhhhhh *Looks away*

Bakugo: I'll deal with you later.....but for now answer the question Izu. Do you really think Shoto is Daddy?

Everyone hears Todo cackling from a distance before he dramatically bust into the room with tea kettle in hand.

Todoroki: Still hung up on that Katsuki?!

Izu: Yeah Kacchan that was like 21 episodes ago? *giggles like an angel*

Bean: Yeaaaah No one likes a whiner Katsuki~

Todoroki: I mean when it's in bed it's kinda cute.....

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