~Married At Last-Part 1~

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Author: I'm sorry I haven't updated in awhile....this coronavirus shit is going around, and I have a very weak immune system due to reasons that will not be named. So my message to you all is stay safe, wash your hands....if you see someone cough throw a horseshoe at their throat.

But on a side note.....Writing this chapter had me rolling on the floor...

Warning: Drunken idiots doing drunken idiot things, blackouts, humor, jokes about divorce, and Pablo.


"I am not wearing that Kacchan!" I shouted in annoyance as I hid behind a handsomely dressed Shoto.

"Izuuuuu pleaseeee!" He begged while holding up the skimpy outfit he had picked out for me. Well, if you could even call it an outfit at all.

Tonight is the night of our bachelor party and Kacchan is dead set on spending it on a party bus with the rest of our friends. I, like the wise individual I am, said 'absolutely not'.

I was unfortunately outvoted, so here I stand getting ready for the crazy night ahead.

The only reason I'm going along with it is mainly because we can have the night to just relax. The last few months have been spent planning the wedding with Yaoyorozu. Which was filled with cake tasting, tux fittings, invitation sending, and money spending. Also taking care of the twins. The wedding was tomorrow and to settle our nerves we were gonna get black out wasted.

Or at least Mina was.

She also said to dress 'casual with a touch of sexy', which I have no idea exactly what that means. Mina's version of 'casual' is everyone else's version of nicely yet slightly overdressed, but I guess that's besides the point.

The problem in all of this is the fact that no other word registered in Kacchan's brain except 'sexy'.

So this is where the problem arises. I want to wear actual clothes, and Kacchan wants me to wear practically nothing.

"I mean it Katsuki, I'm not wearing that!" I screamed out, purposely using his first name to get my point across.

He flinched nervously before flicking his gaze to Shoto for support.

"Come on Sho, you could at least help me out by pinning him down or something!" Kacchan begged while still holding up the tight leathery seductive material and a neck tie.

"If he doesn't want to, he shouldn't have to Katsuki. No means no." Shoto replied back firmly while intertwining his hands into the ones I had latched onto his waist.

"Thank you Shochan." I whispered out as I snuggled myself into his broad frame.

"Ugh, fine have it your way." Kacchan finally stated with a roll of his eyes and the pout of his lips.

"Now what are you gonna wear Izu?" Shoto asked as he turned around to face me.

"I don't really know, I just know it's gonna be cuter than crap Kacchan picked out." I replied while glaring at a brooding Kacchan. He happily returned the glare back.

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