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So this episode is a random scene that took place earlier on in the story. It has nothing to do with the previous episode "Bored....~"

(Refer back to the episode "~Slow Down~")

Warning: This is some quality, highly smutty but kinda fluffy Bakubottom scenes, brought to you by Bean. Also Bakugo curses in like, the whole episode.

~Enjoy (^з^)~

[P.o.v ~ Bakugo]

"Fucking, Fuck you. You stupid fucking IcyHot, Half breed fuckleberry Bastard, FUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKK!"

How the hell did I end up here? One second I was holding Izu in my arms, and now I was trying to escape from Todoroki.

This was not a pleasant situation......I literally hated being bottom.

Reason number 1: That shits messy. I hated having to spend forever cleaning cum out of my ass.

Reason number 2: I'm secretly submissive as fuck when it comes to bottoming. I just choose not to let anyone see that side of me. I have a reputation to protect.

Reason number 3: I moan like a whiny bitch........Which was something I did not want to be made known.

But this bastard right here is really pushing it. It's like he could sense my anticipation.

"Are you gonna keep complaining or can I move now?" He asked, completely ignoring my tantrum.

"Do I sound like I want you to move?" I said angrily.

"No one ever said it was going to be an easy fit Katsuki~" He teased, while petting my spiky ash blonde hair.

"How's the bottom life Kacchan?" Deku asked with a sly smirk.

"Fuck you Izu, this shit hurts." I complained angrily once again.

Why the hell is this bastard so big? Sure he lubed me up and all that crap. But this hurts more than it did with Kirishima.

Without warning the bastard let his impatience get the best of him, and he starts thrusting.

"Aaaaah Mpfh ngh, aaah y-yesssss~" I exclaimed as I felt my eyelids get heavier.

"Wow you sound awfully excited for someone who was just complaining." He said while thrusting at a steady speed.

He began stroking my already achingly hard member, causing it to drip precum and pulse violently in excitement.

He looked me in the eyes for a brief moment and I was almost consumed whole. He looked as if he wanted to devour me and, I just might fucking let him.

"Hey Todo, can you flip him over." Deku asked with a clear change in demeanor. I could tell that whatever his motives were, I was probably gonna pay the cost.

Without so much as a reply, the stupid bastard had pulled out and flipped me on my frontside.

I had looked up at Deku and saw his face instantly turn red.

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