~So Is That A Yes?!~

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Author: Hehe- I'm not dead, just tired asf.....

I'm also literally crying right now. 1k votes....That's pretty cute.

Thank you lovelies ✌︎('ω')✌︎

Warning: Fluff.....Some smut, more fluff, and heartfelt scenes.

(Let's not act surprised, we've been waiting for this.)


Holy shit. You disappear for like three months and then everyone presumes your dead.

"Y-You guys need to really back up a little." I huffed out as my dumb friends and crazy parents pulled me into a bear hug.

"Where were you??!"

"Well I-"

"You didn't leave because you're afraid of commitment, did you?"

"What no I-"

"We were so worried about you Bakubro, oh and what the hell is up with all those nasty bruises?!"

"Well the thing is-"

"Katsuki of you ever scare me like that again I'll end your fucking life!!" My mom stated while wrapping her hands around my neck. My dad attempted to calm her down but she just growled at him causing him to throw his hands up in surrender.

I was bombarded with questions while being simultaneously throttled by my mother.

Definitely not my ideal family/friend gathering.

"S-Shoto do you mind helping a little??" I questioned nervously as I tried pushing my mother and everyone else away.

Shoto just looked at me with a bored expression before giving me a lopsided grin. He then walked away to sit on the same couch my father had retreated to.

'Oh I'm definitely gonna fuck the daylights out of him later' I thought silently while giving him an annoyed glare.

"Holy shit, you guys got here fast." A voice I recognized as Izu's stated from a distance.

No one acknowledged his presence though. They simply continued to grill me for answers. Meanwhile I tried to fucking answer they would cut me off immediately and ask another one.

I heard Izu release a loud groan in frustration before he spoke up.

"Everyone shut up and calm down, the twins are asleep and the last good rest I got was three months ago. So how about we do this in a calm orderly fashion and then you can all exit our house?" Izu lectured and questioned with a prodigious amount of sass.

"Thank you Izu." I expressed with much gratitude as I let out a deep breath.

"No problem, and bye Kacchan, I gotta go take care of something real quick!" He chirped out before running out of the room.

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