~Hi Mom I'm Gay!~

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Author: I'm sorry I've been dead ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)~

I'm also sorry for what happens towards the end.......


I am the epitome of a gay panic.

I don't care what anyone says to deny it, I know for a fact it's fucking true. Izuku tried to start the argument that he was the bigger awkward gay but Katsuki quickly came to my defense.

His words were along the lines of....

"Definitely fucking not, Shoto's the biggest awkward raging gay."

The only thought that came to mind after he came out with the truth was.....

"Do you want to get bent over another counter?"

Katsuki displayed a perplexed and semi-conflicted look before we continued to argue in the car.

You might be a little confused so let me explain the sudden mental breakdown.

Today is the day I tell my mom I'm gay.

'Wait did I just rhyme?'

No, hold on...I'm getting sidetracked again.

As I was saying, I either tell her today or in a few months when Izu is on the verge of popping this baby out. Better late than never....right?

"Come on Sho, we've been in the car for like 40 minutes." Izuku whined for the eighth time, reminding me every five minutes that we are parked outside like creepy stalkers.

"Yeah IcyHot, grow some balls and let's mosey along." Katsuki said with a bored expression.

"I think you and I both know I already have balls babe, so sit down and shut up." I growled softly.

"I'm already sitting you fucking idiot." Katsuki retorted with an angry huff.

"Stop cursing Kacchan!" Izuku yelled from the backseat.

"I can't!" He yelled back in protest.

"That seems like a problem you should get checked out." I said jokingly. Which in turn caused Katsuki to start sparking up his hand.

In fear that he might, you know, blow up the fucking car....I suggested we go inside.

At least I was positive he'd be on his best behavior when my mother was around.

Surprisingly Katsuki was rude to everyone in the world except for some of his elders. It was like some kind of secret code he lived by, he was a selective jackass so to speak.

I had explained before we left the house the environment I grew up in. I told them how my mom was practically abused by my father. A few years ago I had enough money to buy a house for my mom. The hospital she was admitted to when I was younger allowed her release. Though they demanded she was monitored by a stay at home nurse. My sister also decided to move in with her so she didn't feel so alone. My brother visits whenever he's in the country which is more often than you'd believe. I try to visit whenever I have time but life gets crazy busy sometimes.

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