~Important Notice~

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Author: I've contracted the literal bubonic plague a.k.a The flu....So I decided to be a good girl and update!

And let me tell you.......So much is going on right now!

Firstly, the episode 'Engagement parties are wild' Is out now! So have fun checking that out.

Secondly, I've revamped all the smut scenes. They went from 'oooh' to '0OoOh'

Thirdly, I've been patiently waiting for questions to roll in on the Q and A episode. When a thought occurred to me.

"Bean how can people ask fucking questions if they can't refer back to the chapters?"

Hahahaha the answer is, I don't know...

So I then wisely published the rest of the episodes!

So now you can go off and ask questions till you're bored! Ask questions till you're more then content! Ask questions till you're old and gray! Ask QUESTIONS!

Please ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).......

Fourthly, which I'm pretty sure is not a word but I'll vibe with it, The finale will come out next week. I thought I'd have it done this week but once again....Bubonic Plague.

Last but not least—ly......

I'm working on another story.

Some of you, may be excited. Others, will feel as if I just stated one of the top ten anime betrayals and silently curse my ancestors for my utmost audacity.

"How dare she end this story?! Burn her at the stake!!"

*Distant sound of pitchforks and angry fans approaching*

I hear the anger yet underlying excitement children!

I'm definitely not ending Last Night for my new story.

It's just that time.....

Unfortunately all good things come to an end.

With that being said let's all count down the minutes till the finale and the publication of my new story!!!

~Xoxo Bean

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